Call Me Daddy (Louis)

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You and Louis went to an engagement party for Niall and you were beyond excited. Niall has been alone for a long time so when he met Casey you were ecstatic. She's perfect for him and you couldn't be more happier for them. You laid out the outfit you were going to wear and took a shower. The dress you wore made your butt and chest look really good.

"Baby, you ready," Louis called out. " Yes," you say walking into his view. He looks you up and down and bites his bottom lip. "Damn you look good," he smiles walking over to you. You blush and walk over to him. He tries to grab your butt, but you step to the side. "Let's go or else we'll be late," you say. He scoffs but follows you out to the car. You arrive at the restaurant and get out the car. Louis takes his place next to you and you both walk in. "Lou, Shonteria! Welcome," Niall says with Casey at his side. She looked absolutely amazing. You hig Niall and then Casey.

She looks at you with her eyebrows raised. "What," you ask. " That dress you're wearing looks good," she laughs. You laugh. "Well thank you my dear." You talk to everybody you knew at the party while Louis stood with the boys. You look up to see Louis staring at your butt and you smile to yourself. The dinner started and ended quickly. You say goodbye to everybody and Louis pulls you away to the car. He pushes the gas pedal and speeds all the way to the house. He opens your door and pulls you out.

Walking into the house, you take your shoes off and feel Louis stand behind you. " Baby, you know that dress makes me horny. Why'd you wear it," he breathes into your ear. You shrug your shoulders and walk towards the bedroom. You start to take off your dress and Louis stares at you with hunger and lust in his eyes. "Ahh fuck baby," he moans. You see him palming himself and you snicker. Your dress slides off and he immediately turns you around and starts kissing your neck, grabbing your butt. "You wore that dress on purpose, now Daddy has to teach you a lesson," he breathes against your chest.

You moan and start to take his clothes off. "Tsk-tsk, did I say you could moan," he scolds. You gasp. "N-no," you stammer. " No what?" You glare as he backs away from you. "No Daddy," you breathe out. He gives you a smile and tells you to lay on your back on the bed. He stares at you while you pant and moan, waiting for him to get on with it. "Impatient I see," he teases. He finally takes off his clothes and gets on top of you. You go to grab his length but he stops you. " No no sweetie. Not until I say you can."

He kisses you again and bites on your bottom lip, tugging on it. His fingers find their way to your panties and he rubs your clitoris and you start to moan. "Good girl. Tell Daddy what you want him to do," he whispers. You moan and arch your back. "T-touch me Daddy." He pulls your panties down with his fingers and inserts the first finger. He starts pumping his fingers in and out. "Aww so tight for Daddy. Fuck I love it," he moans and inserts another finger. You are a moaning mess and he smiles.

He has up to three fingers inside you and you get impatient. "Go's Louis just fuck me already," you cry out. He stops and pulls his finger out. "What was that," he asks. " I'm sorry Daddy, I didn't mean it," you apologize. He shoves his length inside you and you cry out in pain. "You wanted Daddy's cock so here it is," he groans. He waits for you to adjust before he starts to move. You moan and he takes that as a sign to go faster. " Aww look at you! So hot taking me in." You moan and wrap your legs around his waist so he can get better access. He starts pounding into you harder and faster. " Ahh fuck Daddy! Don't stop!"

You feel yourself getting closer to your climax and you grab his hair. "Baby I'm so fucking close." He goes faster and he moans as he comes inside of you. His thrust start to get slower and then he lays on top of your chest. "Shit babe, that was amazing. I love it when you wear that dress," he laughs. You chuckle and play with his hair. "I know."

Okay so this is a's not that good but I hope to get better in time.

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