How You Met (Louis)

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You're best friends with Liam and you're excited that he's coming to LA. He wants to take you to lunch so you can meet the boys. You're kind of iffy about it because you've known Liam for a long time. He was your first friend when you moved to England. You get out of your thoughts and head to the restaurant he says to meet at. You're wearing a black dress with red pumps. You pull up to the restaurant and walk inside. You look to the right and see Liam. "Liam! Oh my gosh! I've missed you." You run to him and hug him. "Y/n! My little baby is all grown up," he says jokingly.

Louis' POV

We're here at the restaurant waiting for y/n to arrive and to be honest I'm nervous. Y/n and Liam are really close. She's basically his sister accept for the fact that she's African American. I was about to tell Harry something when I heard someone scream out Liam's name. " Liam! Oh my gosh! I've missed you." I turn around and see this beautiful black women in a black dress that hug her curves very well. Liam says something but I don't pay attention. "Okay so this is Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Louis." I smile at her and her eyes linger on me for awhile. "So y/n Liam didn't tell me you were this beautiful," I tell her. She smiles real big and avoids eye contact with me. "Well Liam should've told me you were this handsome," she winks. "Selfish bastard isn't he," I say. She sits next to me and we talk through the whole lunch ignoring the other boys. 

So this one was alright. I'm hoping you guys think the same. 

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