He Buys You A Pet (Liam)

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You and Liam were out shopping for a new couch because Niall ruined it. " Hey y/n how about this couch? It's perfect for cuddling," he says smiling and pointing at a black pull out couch. "I guess but I don't want to say yes because you might find something else okay?" You continue walking through the store and settle for the black couch Liam pointed to earlier. You set up the order for it to be delivered to your house and left the store.

Walking hand in hand you guys pass up a pet store and your eyes instantly search for the puppies. You let go of Liam's hand and walk into the store ignoring his pleas for you to please get out the store. The puppies were near the middle and you walk to them and see a small golden retriever. You coo at him and smile. "Y/n. Come on." " But Li, he's so freaking cute! Can we get him," you ask. "No and you know why we can't. It's too much work. We won't be able to care for him like he should be cared for. A puppy this young would need a lot of attention. You understand, right?" You get sad and nid your head yes and walk out the store.

You were silent after leaving the store and Liam noticed. " Oh babe, we need to go buy a present for Louis. How about you head home and I'll meet you there," he suggests. " Oh yeah. That's fine. What do you want for dinner. Chicken or fish?" He tells you what you want and you leave the shopping center to get dinner ready.

It was about 2 hours later when Liam finally comes home. He walks in and has a box hidden behind him. "Li, what are you doing?" He ignores you and walks into the bedroom closing the door and locking it. 'Okay' you think to yourself and get his plate ready. "Babe! Come in. I need your help," Liam screams. You roll your eyes hoping it isn't about his hair. You walk into the room and see Liam standing in front of the bed smiling. "what's going on? Why are you smiling," you question. "Just close your eyes please," he tels you. You obey and close your eyes wondering what he is hiding. " Okay now open."

You open your eyes and you scream. " Oh my goodness! Li! He's so cute. Thank you, thank you," you scream running to the puppy. "I know I said no, but I just didn't like seeing you so sad. This is a huge responsibility so be ready okay." "Oh I will." You cuddle him to your chest and he looks up at you. You decide to name his Chester because it fit.

Okay so here's another one. It's not that good but yeah I needed to put this up here it's been in my notebook too long. Hope you guys like, vote and or comment

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