He Raises His Voice At You (Harry)

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You were running around the house trying to get some work done before your nephew's came over. You hid the expensive, fragile items in the basement and just vacuumed and arranged the couches. Harry was being a little baby and sat in his room because of the lack of attention you gave him.

" Harry can you please come down here." He stomps down the stairs and walks into the kitchen mumbling under his breath. You follow him into the kitchen and stare at him. " You know, I understand these are your blood but that doesn't give you a reason to ignore me," he says. You roll your eyes and chuckle, but stop when he slams his hands on the counter. "Damn it y/n! I'm serious. I am the head of this household and I demand to be treated with respect!" You look at him like he had just frown two heads. You look around the room to see who he was talking to because it sure wasn't you. You calmly say, "Uhm who are you raising your voice at."

He stands up straighter. "Well you are the only one here so it must be you." Okay he done lost his damn mind you think to yourself. He was about to say something but you cut him off. " Look I don't know who the f you think you are yelling at me like that. I should beat the mess out of you for raising your voice like that. You never raise your voice at a woman like that, especially Your woman! Ooh let me calm down because I am this close to punching you," you say and walk away. Harry just stood there, eyes wide open full of fear.

I'm only going to do Harry and Zayn for this type of imagine

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