Done (Song Preference:Zayn)

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It's gonna hit you hard 'til you see stars, I'm gonna put you through a world of hurt. Oh I don't believe in getting even, just getting what you deserve.

"Babe, wait! I'm sorry for cheating on you," Zayn yells. You don't turn around and just keep walking out the bathroom then you eventually walk out the church. And to think you were about to marry him.


It's been 4 hours since you saw him cheat on you with your own sister. You probably look like an idiot with this wedding dress on at a bar. Men kept coming up to you to try and get you in bed. Not once has Zayn called you to make sure you're ok. He probably resumed what he was doing before you busted in there, interrupting them. Man what am I gonna do now, you think. You were going to surprise Zayn and give him a baby bootie to let him know that you were going to have your first child.

He's not going to see this child. Your mom calls you and you answer. "Yes mom." "Honey, where the hell are you? Did you get cold feet sweetie," she asks worried. You scoff. Unbelievable. He didn't even tell her the real reason. "No mom. I caught him and y/s/n about to do the nasty in the bathroom," you start to cry again. "What!!? Zayn! Get your ass over here," you hear your mom yelling. " Oh honey I'm so sorry. Come back to our house and you can stay there for the mean time." You thank her and make your way to her house.

Four days since you've seen Zayn. He tries calling you but you don't answer. He comes to the house and your mom let's him in. " What do you want," your father says to him. You chuckle to yourself. "I want to talk with my fiance." You busted out laughing. " Oh no I'm not your fiance anymore so you should leave." He gives you a pleading look but you don't cave. " Honey you know what you have to tell him," your mom says. You nod your head okay. "Zayn I'm pregnant."

Zayn begins smiling at you and goes up to you. " Oh baby that's amazing. I know we're going to be good parents. I love you so much." You pull away from him and glare. "I'm going to be a good parents. I don't want you to have a part in his or her life at all. I don't need my child to know that their father is a cheater," you yell. Zayn looks at you scared. " No you can't do this. That's my child too! You b***h! I hate you. This is why I f****d your sister," he yells. Your eyes grow wide and you smack him. "Get out! I don't want you here. I'll call the police," you say crying. He looks guilty and tries to apologize but you don't listen.

I might do a second for this because I don't like the way it ends so yea vote.

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