He Buys You A Pet (Niall)

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You had been out of town for 2 weeks taking care of your mom since your dad had passed away. You weren't close to him but he was still your father. Niall had called everyday, but he seemed like he was keeping something from. You had hoped he hadn't been cheating on you with someone else. Being the detective you are, you decided to leave a week early and catch him in the act. You get off the plane and head to your home in Mullingar anxious. Dear Lord please don't make me have to beat the boy into tomorrow you pray.

The taxi pulls up to the house and you thank the man and hand him the fare. You walk up to the door as quietly as you can and unlock it. Stepping inside, you hear nothing at all. You set your bags down and look around the living room. Okay so maybe he isn't cheating on me, you think to yourself. You laugh at yourself, but stop suddenly when you see something run across the carpet. You walk up to inspect and scream bloody Mary. "Ahhh!"

You run to the kitchen to grab a broom when Niall comes running downstairs. "Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you yelling?" You point to the couch tearing up a bit. "There's a rat Niall. You know how much I hate them," you whine. He walks over to the couch and then he starts laughing. "What are You laughing at?" He comes up to you with the rat and you run away. "Baby if you don't get the fudge away from me with that thing, I swear I will kill you," you threaten.

He chuckles again. "No baby this is Marley, our bunny. I bought him for you," Niall explains. You come from behind the counter and look at it. "I guess it's cute. Markey?" He nods his head yes. " Hey what are you doing here anyways. Shouldn't you be back next week?" You chuckle nervously, "that's a story for another time," you say. He helps you unpack and you guys sit on the couch with Marley and talk about your family.

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