He Compares You To His Ex (Louis Part 2)

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You can't believe he just insulted you behind your back. You call a cab because Louis still has the keys to the car. You look down at your phone and see Zayn calling you. "What Zee? I'm tired and I need to be left alone right now," you say. "Look I know what he said was hurtful but think about all that you've been through. Do you want to throw all that away?" I never said I would break up with him but I sure am thinking about it. "Whatever Zayn?" He sighs and tells you that Louis is coming back to the house and to meet him there. You ignore what he says and make your way to the store and buy a bucket of ice cream. You go to the nearest park and eat the ice cream there. How could he say those things? He didn't even say sorry first. You finished the bucket of ice cream and saw that you had been at the park for almost 3 hours. Making your way home, you prepare for a fight.

You walk through the front door and there's Louis pacing around the living room. "Y/n! Oh my god. Where were you," he says angrily. You scoff and walk into your room. "So you're going to ignore me like a child." You say nothing. "Wow. You know Karen was right, you aren't good for me." You laugh so hard tears stream down your face. "You got me messed up. I'm too good for you. I do everything for you and you disrespect me like that. Let me just end this right now before any of us get hurt more," you tell him. "What do you mean? Are you breaking up with me?" You don't reply and just pack some of your things. "I'll be back later to collect my other things." He glares at you. "You know what? Fine get out of here, nobody wanted you anyway," he says bitterly. You walk away with your heart hurting and head to your best friend's house to spend the night.

Third part will probably be up tomorrow as well as Harry's the following day.

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