He Compares You To His Ex (Harry)

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Okay so this is like my first time ever doing anything like this...Idk if it'll sound right but here goes nothing

Your POV

You've been up and running all day and you just wanted to go home and rest. You have 5 minutes left so you decide to clock out early. "Bye Mr.Jackson! Remember to take your medication," you shout to one of your patients. You say goodbye to your coworkers and you get in the car and drive off. Ahh home is where the heart is. As you pull up into your driveway you see your neighbor Edna. That cocky b**ch you think to yourselves. Walking up to the house you sigh and walk into you and Harry's apartment.

"Harry! I'm home," you yell and face plant into the couch. He comes downstairs and sits next to you. "Hey baby. Tough day at work?" You lift yourself up and say yes. Harry suggests the idea of watching a movie and cuddling, which you happily accept. About 30 minutes into the movie he starts rubbing your thighs. "No, not today Dimples. I'm really tired." He continues and says," come on I can make you feel good." You push him off you and scoot to the other side of the couch.

"Damn it y/n why do you always shoot me down when I want to be intimate," he yells. You roll your eyes and sigh. "Well if you actually had a job you would know." You instantly regret what you say when you see his face. "So I don't have a job now? So performing for fans is doing nothing? God you're a bitch." You glare at him. " I'm not a bitch and you know that. We don't have to have sex all the time Harry god. Sonedays I just want to lay down and watch a movie. Is that too freaking much to ask!" "Ugh you know Taylor was never like this! She was so active and actually happy to see me. Why can't you be more like her instead of yourself!"

Your eyes go wide and you tell yourself to calm down before you do something stupid. "What did you just say?" He looks at you scared. "Baby. Y/n wait. Let me explain." You get up and go to your room and Harry tries to follow but you stop him. "Harry I suggest you walk away from me because I'm this close to beating your little sorry white a**." He stops and pleads for you to listen. "No I'm going to bed and you're not sleeping with me."

Okay so here it is. I know usually she'll freak out and tell him to go rot in hell and leave him, but realistically that never really happens. Sure you give him the silent treatment, but do they really take it to the point where you leave him Idk I hope you like this, the other ones will be posted later on this week.

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