He Compares You To His Ex (Liam)

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So I didn't know what to write for Liam that's why his wasn't up a little bit earlier. I wanted to do his where he compares you to his ex but in a good way. Enjoy.

Your POV

You and Liam were cuddling on the couch watching Frozen for the fifth time. You were about to fall asleep until Liam spoke up. " Did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have you," he said smiling at you. "I don't think so, but there's no need," you say closing your eyes. "Well all the more reason to." You sigh and open your eyes and look up at him. He doesn't say anything so you say," Are you gonna get on with it!" "Oh right! Sorry," he says sheepishly.

"First things first, you have beautiful brown skin. I mean the way the sun hits your skin, god it's amazing. Second, uhh your curves." You roll your eyes thinking he's going to say something sexual. "What about my curves Liam?" "They're very nice. Your body is like a temple and I shall worship it. Danielle was different." You look at him with wide eyes. You think to yourself, 'did this fool just say Danielle?'.

"Uhm I think this conversation is done," you say getting up. He pulls you back down to the couch urging you to stay and listen.
" No look let me explain. I meant to say Danielle didn't have curves like you do. I have something I can grab onto," he says squeezing your butt. You chuckle at his actions. "Why thank you, kind sir. I appreciate you telling me that I have better curves than your ex." "Oh I'm not done. Compared to my relationship with Danielle, I'm more myself with you. Whenever I'm with you, I know I don't have to pretend. With her I was always trying to get her approval on everything. I guess what I'm saying is I love you and I will continue to love you until the end of time." You squeeze his hand and kiss him. "I love you too Liam. I don't ever want you to think that you need my approval. I'm content with what you give me and I couldn't ask for more." You guys head up to your room where you spend all night cuddling and whispering 'I love you's' until Liam falls asleep.

Well here's Liam's which was long overdue. I hope you guys enjoy. I may make a second part to the other boys but I'm not sure yet.

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