I'm Not The Only One (Harry)

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Based on the Sam Smith song I'm not the only one.

Harry's POV

I watched as Nyiko tossed and turned in the bed. She's so beautiful, if only the media saw that. They call her all kinds of name that I can't even repeat. I slip on my brown boots and walk out the house. My phone rings and it's her. " Hey baby. Where we meeting this time."  I smile into the phone. "Your place. Get ready." I end the call and speed to her house. I park around the back and go through the back door. I see that she set up candles. "Hello Harry. Took you long enough." She ambles  over to me and smiles. She takes my shirt off and kisses my chest. I moan and wrap her legs around me. "Let's take this into the bedroom," she says seductively.

Nyiko's POV

I wake up and don't see Harry in the bed. I sigh and get up. I know he's cheating on me. It's that girl we met at the party Niall hosted. I grab a glass and pour some whiskey inside of it. I look at the clock and it says 5 a.m. I know I shouldn't be drinking this early but right now I don't even care. I remember the day I found out he was cheating.


" Hey baby," Harry greets me. I walk over to him and kisses him on the cheek. I smelled coconut. "Hhm you smell like coconut..." He clears his throat. "Yeah it was probably one of your hair products," he stammered. He just lied. I have no coconut products, only Shea butter at the moment. He knows I ran out yesterday. "No I ran out yesterday." He shrugs his shoulders and walks away. Later that night he slept with his back to me. That's when I knew he was cheating.

*end of flashback*

Harry comes through the door, with his clothes and hair messy. He hasn't seen me yet. His phone beeps and he looks down at it. He smiles. "Who's that," I say making my presence known. He jumps in fright and holds a hand over his chest. "Bloody hell baby. You've almost given me a heart attack," he says. He walks into the kitchen and sits down. "Whiskey in the morning?" "Where were you Harry," I say getting straight into it. "Uhm with the boys." "Damn it Harry don't fucking lie to me! Where you with Dayjah," I yell.

He gulps and shakes his head no. I laugh and throw the glass cup in the sink. I get up and walk out to the car. "Babe where are you going," he yells. I ignore him and get in the driver's seat. I lock the doors and drive off to her house. I ring the doorbell and it opens. "Wow Harry back for more," she says but then freezes. "Ny!? Uhm what are you doing here," she stammers. I punch her in the throat and she starts to yell. I walk away, and drive back to the house. Harry's waiting for me in the living room.

He gets up and I flick him off. "Fuck you! I'm going to leave and you will not see me until I feel like you can see me." He grabs me and pulls me into his arms. " Babe wait. Please stay, I didn't mean to do it," he sobs. I push him away and start to pack. "Quit your fake alligator tears. If I hear one more sob come out your mouth I will punch you." He stays silent. I laugh and walk out the door and drive to my mom's house. Fuck this shit. I don't know why I let this go on this long.

Ehh hope you like it sorry for any errors

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