Done (Song Preference) (Niall, Louis)

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Louis: You crossed the line to many times I'm gonna put you in your place. You play with dynamite don't be surprised when I blow up in your face.

Another award show you have to attend. Management thought it would be good for you to be noticed more since you and Louis got married. "Y/n hurry up. Let me see what you are wearing to the show?" You sigh and walk downstairs with your dress. "What the heck is that?! Please tell me you're not wearing that," he glares. You get angry but contain it. "Yes Louis I am. I don't have time to go change so I'm going like this." He glares but says okay. The car picks you guys up and you guys start driving to the location. Throughout the whole ride Louis was just spewing insults at you. "Don't embarrass me in front of the cameras or else we're done." As soon as the door opens you put on this facade of a happy couple for the cameras.

" Louis, Y/n! You guys are gorgeous," the paparazzi shout. You smile at them ignoring what insults Louis said to you earlier. You guys head inside and Louis pulls you to the side," Just because they said you look good, you really don't. I'm gonna go find Kelsa and have a chat. Don't-." "Yeah yeah, don't embarrass you. I got it," you say walking off. He's probably gonna go f**k her you think. You Find the rest of the boys and they compliment you on your dress. Louis comes back just in time for the show and sits with you. You zoned out thinking about how bad Lou treats you and feel yourself getting angry that you didn't even hear that the boys won an award (idc what award you guys can pick).

You walk up there with the boys and stands next to Louis. You don't smile, you just have a blank look on your face. Louis goes up to the microphone to speak. "I'd like to thank the fans for supporting us and I'd like to thank my beautiful wife Y/n. Come here baby," Lou says cheesing. You walk up to the mic and start laughing. You Don't know what came over you but you lost it. " Oh I'm your beautiful wife now? No I'm sorry fuck you and your small dick. I hope you rot in fucking he'll asshole." The crowd goes silent and you walk off, with Louis running after you. "Y/n what the hell was that!? How could you do that to us," he cries. " Oh cut the bullshit Louis. I'm not happy with the way you've been treating me. I'm surprised I took it this long. I'm done with you and you'll never see me again. You can now go fuck Kelsa anytime you want, like you have been," you yell and throw your rings at him. "Bye Louis. I hope it was worth it."

Niall: I don't want to be your "just for fun" I don't want to be under your thumb all I want to be is done

You can't keep doing this to her. She deserves to know. It was supposed to be a one time thing. A one night stand. At least it was for him. Niall Horan. The man you were in love with. It started a year ago. He came into the bar sad and needed a shoulder to cry on. That was until he kissed you and you didn't stop him and now here we are one year later. You look at Niall kiss Anyla on her baby bump. Yes she has a baby. "Y/n come here," Anyla says smiling at you. You shake your head no and walk into the house to get yourself a drink. How come she gets to have a baby? When you found out you were pregnant Niall had you abort the baby (i know he would never do that but in this he does. I don't support abortion at all). A tear falls down your face and you wipe it off your face.

You chuckle darkly to yourself. I'm such a freaking slut, you say in your head. Niall comes in and smiles at you. He looks around the house to see if any one is watching. "Hey sexy. I so want to take you right here," he whispered in your ear. You move away from him and stare at him. "I can't do this anymore. I'm not a homewrecker Niall. Let's just stop before you break the poor woman's heart." You start to walk out the house and Niall stops you. "You'll be back. You always come back," he says making you stop. "No I won't Niall."

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