Thanksgiving (Niall)

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Wow guys happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. Have a good one.

Niall POV

Oh man, today I'm meeting y/n's family members. I'm so scared. What if they don't like white people, or Irish people. "Babe, you seen my black bra," y/n says coming out the bathroom with no bra on. "Damn. No but come here." She rolls her eyes and goes into the drawer to get a bra. " What are you doing just sitting there? My family will be here soon. Niall!!" I get up and put on my shoes and wait downstairs. I heard y/n's father is a hard man to please. I just hope he accepts me like y/n did for me.

Then the doorbell rings. Oh shit.

Your POV

You hear the doorbell ring and you rush down the stairs and run to the front door, beating Niall to the punch. You open the door and immediately hug the first person you see. Your dad. "Dad! I can't believe you're here," you scream. "He's not the only one here you know," my mom says grinning. You let go of ypyr father and hug her. " Hey mommy. Come in!. They walk in and stare at Niall. Niall looks awkward standing there.

"Ok. Mom, dad. This is my boyfriend Niall," you say introducing them to him. "Hello Ma'am Sir. It's very nice to meet you," he says. My mom squeals and runs to him. " Oh aren't you the cutest thing ever. My daughter did good. Finally," she says laughing. Niall joins in and you look to your father who is silent. "Dad? Aren't you going to say something," you say. He scoffs and walks to the dining room. You look at Niall and give him a reassuring smile. "Lets go to the table."

You set the table and your mom helps. " Oh honey he's so cute. Now the real question is, do you love him?," she asks. You smile and nod your head yea. " Yes I do. I really do. He's amazing," you say honestly. "I believe you, now let's get back in there before your father makes it even more awkward." We bring in the yams, Mac and cheese, ham, collard greens and more. "Baby girl this looks good," Niall says. We all sit at the table and Niall starts to reach for the food when we look at him weird. "Uhh what do you think you're doing," my mom says. "Neil in this family we say grace before we eat," my dad glares.

Oh Niall. After grace there's still tension in the air so your mom tries to make conversation with Niall. " Niall, how did you guys meet."

He looks at me then at my father. " Uhh we met at a party that one of my friends threw. She was there to pick up your other daughter y/s/n. She looked so cute in her sweats. I had to say something," he says. You guys continue to talk about the memories you share with your mom and dad. "I don't mean to be rude, but What do you do? How do you provide for my daughter," my dad interrupts.

I roll my eyes. " Dad," I say warning him. " No its fine. I'm part of a band called One Direction." My dad starts laughing. " What makes you think you won't cheat on her again," my dad glares. " Dad! Stop right now," you say. "Look sir. I know I've made my mistakes but I do love your daughter. Why she forgave me, is what I ask myself everyday. Excuse me while I excuse myself." Niall begins to get up and you try to tell him to stay.

" No let him go. Can't handle the heat as well as Devon then he shouldn't be with you," your father says without shame. "Y/d/n you stop this instance," your mom yells. You run out the door to stop Niall but he had already left. You feel tears run down your face and you walk back inside. " Oh honey. It'll be okay. You don't need a boy like him," your dad says trying to hug you. You back away and glare at him. " Why would you do that dad?! I don't care about Devon anymore. You may just have ruined the one good relationship I had and I'll never forgive you," you cry going up to the room. "Y/n!," he yells. Your mom looks at him disappointed and follows you up the stairs..

Okay so that's part one for Niall

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