First Date (Louis, Niall, Zayn)

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Louis: Being Liam's best friend causes you a lot of unwanted stress. Lately the fans have been saying that you're not really friends with him because you didn't like some of the songs on the Take Me Home album. It didn't make sense to you. The only good thing around all the drama is the fact that Louis asked you out on a date. The date was magnificent and you couldn't wait to go on another one. Louis had taken you to the beach. Now you usually don't go to the beach because the sand gets everywhere, and it's not comfortable. He had told you to bring a bathing suit and you wanted to tease him so you had called your best friend for help. She had picked out several bikinis that were way too sexy, so you decided to go with a simple black and white polka dot bikini.

He came and picked you up, excited. He kept talking about how he was nervous because Liam would kill him if the date went horribly wrong. You smiled at the memory. He took you to the beach and you guys got into the water, and played. He grabbed you and wrapped your legs around his waist. You blushed and he pecked your nose. " Louis," you giggled. He spins you around in the water and you lean your head on his shoulder and sigh. " Louis this date is going better than I imagined," you say quietly. " I'm glad that you said yes to me y/n. I want you to know that I really like you," he confessed. You looked at him and bumped your forehead with his. "I like you too." You feel someone touch your arm and you look at the person. "Yeah Louis," you say snuggling back up to him. "Come back over here and watch the movie. You've been staring at the spot on the wall for 10 minutes," he chuckles. You guys continue to watch the movie cuddled up together.

Niall: You have been friends with Niall for about two years now. You slowly started to grow feelings for him and you hated it. You were the one who told him that you wanted to be friends. Oh how you wish you hadn't said that. The more time you hung out with him made you realize what a beautiful person he really was. You decide to ignore the sad feeling and meet up with Niall at the theaters. He wanted to go see the newest Avengers movie and you told him that it was old so it wouldn't be in theaters anymore. He eventually found one and he bought tickets. You arrive at the theaters and see him standing there in the front. You get out and smiles at him. "Let's go see this movie and get it over with," you say jokingly. He looks a bit hurt. "I thought you were going to invite the other boys," you asked. " Oh Uhm I thought it would be good with just us ya know," he stutters.

You shrug your shoulders and walk inside to get to the seats. He buys the popcorn and candy while you get the seats. He comes back in time and the movie starts. During the movie Niall kept staring at you and looked away when you caught him. He's was acting really weird. Did Liam tell him that I had feelings for him!? The movie ended and he offered to go get some dinner. There was a restaurant down the street. He wanted to walk so you guys began walking the opposite way. As you were walking his hand brushed against yours and you blushed. It brushed against it again and this time he grabbed it and didn't let go. You stopped Niall and made him look at you. " Is this a date? Is that why nobody else is here," you questioned. He wouldn't look you in your face and you smiled. You kissed his cheek and his cheeks turned red and you both resumed the date.

Zayn: Zayn had finally gotten over the break up with his last girlfriend and you were happy for him. You were out celebrating with the other boys at a club. You guys were taking shots and Zayn had about 3 and he was getting tipsy. " Hey y/n dance with me," he shouts a little. You say okay and walk out to the dance floor and start dancing. He grabs your waist and pulls you up against him. He starts grinding on you and you do the same. He's breathing down your neck and he moans. "Y/n do you want to go out with me." You stop and turn around slowly. "Uhm sure," you say unsure. He nods his head okay and says that he'll pick you up tomorrow at 6. He suss to wear clothes that you don't care for, meaning of you ruined it, it wouldn't matter.

The next day 5:30

You've been staring at the same spot in your closet for 2 hours. Nothing really meshes with your hair at the moment. You spot a pair of overalls and pick it up. 'Would this be appropriate', you think to yourself. You give up and put it on waiting for Zayn to pick you up. The clock hits 6 and your doorbell rings. You rush to the door nervous and open it. " Hey y/n," he says. He takes in your outfit and chuckles. "What?" "You look adorable that's all," he says waking to the car. You follow and he starts drawing. You guys arrive at his house and you're confused. " Zayn what are we doing at your house?" He chuckles and tells you to get out the car. You listen and follow him inside. "You know that room that's always locked? The one I've never let anyone inside of," you slowly nod your head yes and he takes you to the room.

He unlocks it and you step inside and see art drawn on the walls. You gasp and go to one of the drawings and touch it. You take a look at the others and you're amazed. " Zayn these are amazing. How come you never let anyone in here," you ask confused. "I don't know. I just wanted to show it to someone I think would appreciate it more." He tells you to pick up a paintbrush and he teaches you how to paint. He goes behind you and places his hand on top of yours and guides you. You end up doing a fairly good job. " Zayn thank you for showing me this." He cooks for you and then takes you home.

Guys should I write a fan fiction?

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