Be Safe

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A/N: hey lovelies, so here is the new chapter. It written by the beautiful Tilly0akley. She is an amazing writer and such a nice person. Thank you so much for helping, girl.♡

I'm pansexual, and a Christian, and although I'm not very strong in my faith, my parents are. And I'd made the mistake of sending an email to someone who I thought could help me with figuring out my sexuality. But I guess the email didn't send correctly and my mother got a hold of it. She'd pulled aside and forced me to come out about not only my sexuality, but my depression, and everything. At the time, I'd identified as bisexual because I figured that would be easier than figuring out anything else, this was a year ago, I think.

It was so scary not knowing my own sexuality for a 100% fact, but knowing that whatever it was, my mother would hate me for it. I remember a few nights where I just completely broke down because of that fact alone. And I'm here to say to just be careful. Being careful could be the difference between a good ending and a bad ending. And one time, a little while before that incident with my mom, we were at a restaurant and she'd seen these two boys and she immediately assumed that they were together as a couple, and she turned to look at me and said, "If you ever turn out like one of those... those things-- I will disown you without a back glance." I just got lucky that once she found out, she didn't do that.

My mother actually told me that I'm not allowed to like girls, or even go for a girl. But I hope you realize how ignorant that statement was. It's ignorant because you can't control who you like, and if you can't do that, you probably can't control who you end up with, if you end up with anyone. If I had been more careful, I might not had to promise her that, because I hate breaking promises, but I think I might have for this one.

It's scary to come out, and if you're not in the right state of mind, or the right setting, it might not end well. And I'm not trying to scare you, I would never try to do that, I'm just warning you so you won't be reckless like I had been. Oh, and don't pretend to be anyone you're not.

I'm not saying to change who you are until you can come out safely, I'm just saying to be cautious around people who don't understand. I love you all, even if I don't know you personally, and seeing someone get hurt, or disowned, or whatever, might just kill me.

But if you are in a save place to come out, then I encourage it greatly. Because, as the last chapter said, it might be one of the greatest thing you ever do. It will be one of the scariest things you will ever do.

And also as the last chapter said, I want to say just how beautiful you all are. No one can tell you who to be, unless you let them. But don't let them; be you, because being you is the best thing you can do. This sounds cheesy as hell, but I don't care. I love you whether you are gay, lesbian, pansexual, bisexual, asexual, demisexual, transgender, gender fluid, whatever you may be, I love you for it.

If you were to look in a mirror right now, and say something negative about yourself, whether is about your appearance or your sexuality or your personality, I would have something to retaliate with, each and every time, because there is always something about you that is amazing and beautiful. Just keep in mind that careful is great, but keeping your head high and not hating or disliking yourself is even better. Also, know that your sexuality does not define you as a person, so as long as you're a beautiful person on the inside, it doesn't matter what anybody says. We all have our flaws, especially me, but your sexuality is not a flaw, it's just another fact about you.

A/N: thanks again to Tilly0akley  for writing this. You are so amazing and strong and I hope things with you mum will get better. If anyone of you is in a similar situation, and needs to get out of there and you find yourself in Berlin, message me you can live at my place or we can just talk, whatever you want. I'm here. If you need anything or want somebody to talk please don't hesitate to message me or any other of the writers in this book. We are here for you and we love and support you.
see ya soon with a new update lovelies,
byeee ♡♥♡

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