Anniversary chapter 1

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Through this book I met so many people, some of them my best friends. I met my best friend through this book, he commented on the first chapter and then the second and thats how we started stalking, we've been best friends for almost 1 year now and i couldn't be happier. I basically met almost all of my close internet friends trough this book and I couldn't thank you all enough for participating, commenting and voting. I really love and appreciate this community.
So many people helped with this and we are such colorful community, I love it.
We had a sassy twelve year old (even though he's more sarcastic), who made the Comment of the year: So you came out as pan... While he was watching people do stuff with pans.
Or we had a 19 year old that proudly ending her chapter with,
I'm a nineteen year old girl.
I study music and I dance ballet.
My idea of a perfect night is to watch youtube for hours while being on tumblr at the same time.
I was once in love with a guy.
I was once in love with a girl.
I have always been in love with love.
I'm a bisexual.
And that's okay.
Making me smile whenever I see it. We had so many people sharing their stories, their fears, giving the sentence 'you are not alone' a true meaning. Whether it was Verde, an 15 year old individual, that currently identifies as polysexual demigirl. Who still is one of my best friends to this day, I can talk to them about everything and they never fail to turn my day around. Or Jonny,15, in tenth grade, gay and proud of it. He's never had a boyfriend, but my and his fingers are crossed and our hopes are high who I messaged yesterday asking how he's been. (I'm really curious how the bf hunt went, lol)
I feel like a proud mother seeing all of you share and communicate, growing and learning. I tend to check on my writers every now and then and it always makes me so happy to see them live their lives.
You guys archive so much even when you don't realize it. Every time I text someone asking them 'how have you been?' They don't just answer with 'fine' hiding what really is going on (sometimes they answer with something like 'honestly good' which always makes my day) no they open up and that's what makes me so proud. You all aren't afraid to talk about your feelings and that's important, when you know you can trust someone and that person can most likely help you, then talk to them! You will feel better afterwards, I do it too.
I'm Josi, a 16 year old girl, not straight and proud of it.

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