Adding Colours

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A/N: Hey lovelies, so here is the 16th chapter. It's written by the sweet MeElisee_. She is a good friend of mine and she is helping me with translating this book, it means a lot. Thank you <3

(Oh and guys we are sorry its taking so long to translate but we both are really busy and every chapter has around 1k words or more, so it takes some time)

Hii! I'm Elise, I'm 14 years old, straight ('??' Wait and see) and I live in the Netherlands (sorry if my english sucks, just act like the grammar mistakes never happened). Josi asked me too write something for this story, so I'll tell you guys something about my experience with LGBT+. My mind is a mess and I don't even know what I'm doing so bear with me. Here we go! (Disclaimer: these are just my thoughts, I didn't mean to offend anyone or judge you.)

When I was young, I only knew about 'straight' and 'gay' people. Being gay was wrong, and they were just weird, freaky people. I'm a christian, and I always thought that god hated gay people, and that they would go to hell. I didn't know any LGBT+ people, so I didn't know what they were like and what to think of them.

When I was in my last year of primary school (age 12) a friend of mine (who later came out as lesbian) told she had a crush on her soccertrainer: a woman. We were young, and I thought she was just being a teenager and trying things out. But, it still confused me. She was also christian, and if she was gay, did God hate her? She wasn't a weird, wrong, creepy person people had always told me gays were, quite the contrary. This really changed my view on LGBT+ issues and I started noticing more and more about it in the world around me (even though nobody around me talked about it).

A year later, when I was 13, I came across one of Jamie Curry's videos. The top comment was from Troye Sivan, and I checked out his profile. I found out that he was a YouTuber and singer-songwriter, and I watched his newest video. He talked about coming out, and then I realized: this cute, funny, perfect (excuse my fangirling), absolutely normale guy on my screen... was guy. And my mind was like "??" I found other gay YouTuber like Tyler Oakley and Hannah Hart, and realized they were also amazing people. I saw a lot of homophobic comments, people defending them and expressing their opinions and I gotta hell confused.

My mind messed up even more when I made a Tumblr account. I found out there are lots of other sexualities (like pan and bi), and then I found out you also have different genders not just male and female, I heard about Transgender people... this was honestly a lot to take in with a mind cultivated (is that a word? idk) by society. My mind was like a black box, and suddenly people started pulling at it and adding colours and other shapes like circles and triangles and it was a lot to take in (wow such a metaphor)(thnx).

I had some talks with my friends and with my mom about LGBT+, and in all these years my view on LGBT+ really changed. I'm still struggling with it a bit, and forming my opinion, but lesbi real (oops my hand slipped): I'm 14, what do you expect.

There are a couple things I've learned: LGBT+ people are also just people. They have their ups and downs, they have feelings, they have hobbies and interests and pet peeves and friends and family... There're are not some crazy beasts you have to stay away from. And (in my opinion, especially as a christian) we shouldn't hate those people for something like their sexuality. it's who they are, and I'm sure God doesn't hate want us to hate them, right? Especially after Connor's coming out video, I realized that a lot of people are struggling with their sexuality, and they're having a hard time. if anything, we should be there for them, because unfortunately not everyone realizes they're only human. I think I'll never know all the answers, but I'll have to live with that.

So yeah, idk, that's all I guess, and this probably wasn't interesting at all and very confusing and long but you'll have to deal with it, sorrynotsorry whoops. Bye!

Ps: Does anyone else has struggles like this? like you don't know what to think of something? it doesn't have to be about LGBT+, but please comment I don't wanna feel aloooone.
Pps: Wow my mind is confusing and filled with thoughts, writing this was exhausting, I deserve some food.

A/N: Thanks again to MeElisee_ for helping me. Ily and please don't stress yourself to much.
I hope you guys like this chapter, its a little different than the others but I think it fits and i like it.
If you need anything please message me or comment, we are here for you, you are not alone.
I'll see ya soon with another update lovelies,
Byeee ❤️❤️❤️

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