Transgender Day of Remembrance

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Today is The Transgender Day of Remembrance. I should actually write a long message how important it is to remember and change this world and to continue this fight against Transphobia, but I guess I don't know what to say, I do know what to say I just don't know how to really express how important it is. it's so horrible that this day has to exist, that there is an officially memorial website for every Transgender person that was murdered in 2015 bc of it. that there are 90 names on that page. some of them even weren't identified or are unknown. one that page is only the official number, there are more people who died, but nobody knows about it. these people died all over the world, they were killed for who they are and that's not okay. it's not okay that 90 got killed bc they went out there and wanted to be who they are and fight for their rights. it's not okay that most of these people died in Brazil and the USA, i was so close to crying when i read that page, all these people some young some old, they had a life, a story and a family, these people could have been great role models to the new generation, these people where brave enough to be who they are and to be proud of it. it's not okay that they were killed and it's most certainly not okay that people still don't get it. we are in the year 2015! people really have to realize that there are no differences. I know people who still don't get it, who most likely would look at someone differently only bc they are Transgender and I life in Berlin one of the most multicultural, open and accepting cities of the world. so why are there still people in my school who don't get it? why is it still not "normal"? of what are people afraid? I don't get how a 35 year old got killed in Vienna for being Trans. how could the world let this happen? How come that it wasn't in the news that somebody got strangled in Vienna, the capital of my neighbor country for being Trans? in one of the most famous cities in Europe? This is horrible and it has to change!
I guess this is my message:
this world has to change, people have to get that's it is "normal", that we are all human, that there are no differences.
But at least this is a start, the world is slowly changing, not fast enough but still changing, and sadly there will always be Transphobic people, but there is still hope. We have to keep fighting, we can do this, we are the new generation and we can change this world.
to everyone who is Trans out there reading this: You are amazing, please remember that you are not alone, be whoever you want, but please only come out when you are ready and save, take care of yourself, please stay strong and save, you can do it. ♥


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