A/N: Thank you ♥

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Hey lovelies, prepare yourself for an really long sappy message...

I just read through all the comments on the chapters and I wanted to thank you all again for all the sweet comments. They are so amazing, you always make my day with them and I love you all so much. I really hope that this book could help you and that you found support and maybe new friends.

It means so much to me to see the reads go up and you guys talking to each other. We reached over 3k reads, and you don't even know how happy I was... that whole week was a little hard for me and you guys made it so much better with all the reads and sweet messages I received after the "please help me" chapter, it means so much to me that I could ask you guys for help and you said yes. Through this book I found some of my closest friends on here and I can't thank you guys enough for helping me with the book and through the last weeks. I love you all to bits and you are basically my third family.

I can't thank you guys enough for all the comments and votes... We reached 270 votes today and I can't stop smiling it means so freaking. I always smile when I get an notification and it really means a lot. It's amazing I even got messages from people asking me if they could help, and it always makes my day to see that people care and wanna help. I love you all so much and if you need anything please don't hesitate to comment or message me. Ik that timezones suck but I'm an Internet person so I don't sleep that much...

Ilysm and I'll see ya soon with another update,
byeee ♡♥♡

PS: I will go on vacation after next week so there won't be any updates during that time... but I think that I'll maybe update a few more chapters in the next two weeks to make it up to you.

PPS: the song is called Technicolor Beat and it's by oh wonder, I thought it would fit and I love them so here you go one of my favorite songs.

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