Social anxiety

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A/N: Hi lovelies, here is the 9th chapter it's written by the beautiful Cause_to_Effect. She is awesome and a great person. And I'm really glad she helped me. A big thanks to you, girl. <3

Hi guys. So here is a quick background, I was a very outgoing person as a kid, friends with the everyone. as I got older I realized many things, like how people judged others so harshly, or that someone could be bullied for their sexuality, and how important true friends are.

Okay, so anyway, here is my story. I have social anxiety. I only recently figured that out but I have no doubt on my mind that I do. Whenever I go to places with lots of peolpe, whether it's a family reunion or church, I begin to feel sick. Right before we go or on the car rides over, I feel like I am going to throw up and sometimes start to shake. Even if I'm seeing people I have known for years. It only really happens when I am seeing near to 10 or more people. I guess it really does depends on the situation though, because if I go to the country fair or the store, I'm fine. But I suppose it also depends on the person. I was used to the sick feeling before we went somewhere, but the realization that I have anxiety only hit me after my first anxiety attack. It is very hard to explain, so I'll try my best. It was just a normal day and I was sitting in my room watching my favorite YouYubers when it hit me. I had paused the video and began to think. More than one thing caused it but the main thing was a party.

I had been invited to a birthday party by friend and of course I wanted to go, but when I found out who else was going I no longer did. Ex friends, people I didn't like, people who had been mean to me, and just some i didn't know we're coming. I no longer wanted to go and told my parents I didn't.
They said I should and got a bit upset because I didn't want to go. I knew they were going to male me anyway so I just agreed to go.
But anyway on the evening I got the attack, I was also worrying about a project I had to finish, what that people at the party might say to me, and how cruel some people and the world are. My mind felt like it was going to fast and I couldn't keep up with it. I felt too hot and wanted to just go jump in my pool, in clothes and all, but I didn't. I felt unreal like I was somehow separated off from the world. Luckily my friends texted me when I was having it and calmed me down. It was one of the scariest things I had ever experienced. At the time I had no idea what was happening, or why it was happened.

Now that I've figured it out I feel like I might get them more but I guess I just worry to much. Anxiety is a real mental Illness, and I know that sounds scary but it's true. I think the most important thing to do if you're have or think you might have an anxiety attack is to take slow breaths. It prevents hyperventilation and slows your heart beat down. If you're a friend of someone who has an anxiety attack, then the best thing to do is ask if they need anything or what you can do. Make them feel like they aren't a burden and just be there for them. There are many ways to help anxiety and if you are going through something similar or just need advice you are welcome to contact me.

Just know that you are not alone, no matter what the problem is, you can always talk to me and I will listen. Thanks for reading, I hope this might help some of you.
Okay bye.

A/N: thanks again to Cause_to_Effect, for helping me. I'm glad she wrote something for us and I hope you liked this slightly different chapter. I think it's important that there are chapters with different types of struggling in here, and maybe some of you can also relate and maybe it helped.
Remember if you need anything or want to help me and others please don't hesitate to comment or message me.
See ya soon with another update lovelies,
Byeee ❤️❤️❤️

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