Anniversary chapter 2

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Reading through all the chapters made me realize yet again how wise you all are. We all learned from our experience and some of the advice I read in this book are the best I've ever gotten in my life.
I want you to read through these chapters whenever you feel like giving up, and smile and let them guide you, wbecause these sentences are a bit of the best advice I found in this book, (there's honestly way to much to put it all in here) Please take these quotes to heart and remember them when you need them. Stay strong, ily <3.

Thinking outside the "heterosexual cisgender" box is terrifying, I know, but take baby steps, not a leap of faith. Sometimes you don't just "know" who you are. And the path to discovery can be long and hard but it's worth it. Your happiness is worth it. ~ Emma (chapter 24)

I'm not going to shove the belief on you that someday you're going to be so over the moon happy & be madly in love with yourself because it's just not true.
What I am going to say is no matter you think about yourself, people love you. Someone cares about you. Things get better. I know that is very cliché, but I'm telling you. There are people who will stick with you thick & thin, they will love you through better & worse.
It may seem endlessly dark, but things will brighten up. You have to keep your head up with a sense of hope & a pretty smile on your face. You are beautiful, every inch of you. You are much stronger than you seem or believe. You have so so much to live for! ~ Mariah (chapter 20)

Even in the darkest  times, whether it's depression or other dealings with yourself, there's  always going to be even a small light, if only that, that will no longer make it dark. Because darkness in a room seems to fade when even just a  lamp is turned on. Not everything will be perfect, that may be true,  but there will always be SOMETHING to hold on to. ~ Karrie Beth (chapter 36)

It doesn't matter when you realize it. You can be 30 and realize that you're not straight or cis. There's no age limit. Some people always know, some don't realize for a few years ~ Johnny (chapter 8)

I suppose this is where the story should end. With me coming out. But the thing is, there's a lot more after that. It's not about coming out. It's about the journey you travelled to get to that point. But it's even more about the journey you set out to take once you're free to live your life fully. ~ Annie (chapter 5)

Your wellbeing is FAR more important than the social expectations of knowing who you are, and pressure on your shoulders to declare your identity to the world. ~ Emma (chapter 24)

It's scary to come out, and if you're not in the right state of mind, or the right setting, it might not end well. And I'm not trying to scare you, I would never try to do that, I'm just warning you so you won't be reckless like I had been. Oh, and don't pretend to be anyone you're not.
I'm not saying to change who you are until you can come out safely, I'm just saying to be cautious around people who don't understand. I love you all, even if I don't know you personally, and seeing someone get hurt, or disowned, or whatever, might just kill me.
But if you are in a save place to come out, then I encourage it greatly. Because, as the last chapter said, it might be one of the greatest thing you ever do. ~ Hanna (chapter 2)

The hardest part is accepting yourself for who you are, because once you are happy with yourself nothing anyone else can say will ever be able to tear you down. ~ Kelsey (chapter 1)

Coming out isn't about telling your family about your sexuality. It's about being strong enough to stand up for who you truly are. It's about accepting your true self fully. ~ Annie (chapter 5)

I know family and friends are big people in your life, but they are just a few out of billions of people in this world you haven't even met yet. You'll find support, even if it's just not right now. Stay strong xx ~ Carly (chapter 6)

Before coming out to other people come out to yourself. I know it might sound silly, but it actually helps a lot in the process of accepting yourself, to be able to say to yourself what you are ~ Verde (chapter 14)

You aren't alone, and you might be absolutely terrified of how you feel and you might be scared and confused and feel like this darkness will never end, but I can promise you it will. ~ Kelsey (chapter 1)

Labelling isn't necessary if you don't want it to be. If you don't know who you are and don't care then don't bother.
You're you and that's what matters. You matter. Just remember that you are not alone, however cliché that sounds.
Stay strong. I love you ~ Emily (chapter 11)

If you haven't heard it lately, I love you & think you are so amazing, just the way you are. I am proud of you for how far you've come in life & living & breathing is more than enough of a reason to smile today. Keep going because this world still has so many gorgeous things for you to explore & see. Your story is not over yet & it shouldn't be.~
~ Mariah (chapter 20)

The coming out process isn't always difficult. I've come out to everyone and besides random homophobes on the internet I got full 100% support, even from people who didn't necessarily agree with gay rights. Don't stress out over it too much. ~ Carly (chapter 6)

keep an open mind. Don't be quick to turn down someone on physical appearance, if they treat you like the gosh darn (cool swear words) royalty you deserve to be, then keep them around. ~ Ale (chapter 22)

Everybody matters and I know that it's sometimes so difficult to be alive but trust me the climb is hard but the view is great ~ Cat (chapter 17)

Just remember that your gender/sexuality is a part of you, not your entirety, so don't let anyone try and define you by it. ~ Niamh (chapter 12)

Nobody else can say exactly how you feel and nobody else has the right to choose what word you use for identifying yourself. So go out there and keep doing your research. ~ Verde (chapter 14)

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