Taking Your Time

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A/N: hey lovelies, this is the 35th chapter and its written by the awesome NotSoAverageFangirl. It's so incredible how this book is growing, thank you so much for helping girl, it means a lot. <3

Salutations ((reference I'm sorry)) my name is Samantha and one of my good friends Josi asked me to write a chapter for this amazing book!

If you didn't know already I am bi-asexual which means I can be in romantic relationships which females or males but do not want to do anything a sexual in them. I'm actually only 12 years old so I guess not the average 12 year old knows their sexuality and stuff like that.
When I came out I made a big mistake. Rushing. My mom saw that I had liked a Facebook page under the name of 'BuzzfeedLGBT' and asked me if I was lesbian. I told her "no I'm bisexual" at the time I wasn't even 100% sure that I was bisexual so that was a big mistake.
One piece of advice that I have for the people who are still in the closet is take your time. You are in no rush to figure out your sexual orientation. Take your time until you finally figure out 100% that you're Bisexual, Pansexual, Homosexual, Demisexual, Transsexual etc. And if when you do come out and people don't support you, block them out. You don't need negativity in your life. If someone tells you "It's a phase" or "You're confused" don't take their shit. So yeah that's it I guess. If this wasn't clear enough to understand, you need someone to comfort you or need advice then message me! My username is NotSoAverageSam and I'll always be there for you. I love you ❤️ bye.

A/N: Thanks again to NotSoAverageFangirl for writing this.

If you need someone to talk, please don't hessitate to pm any of the authors or me.

I'll see ya soon with another Update lovelies, byeee

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