Coloring my Rainbow

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A/N: Hey lovelies here is the 23rd chapter and its written by the beautiful Casti3l_Winchester, I'm so grateful to have you as a friend and Thank you so much for helping. I'm sorry it took so long, <3

My coming out story:

when I was 11 I started to have some odd feelings towards my best friend. I've always thought that liking boys was what you had to do if you were a girl, what was expected... So I broke things off with her and yes, she was a girl. I regretted it the second I did it, it wasn't only because of the weird feelings I had towards her but also because of pressure.
She's gorgeous, amazing blonde hair style and perfect blue eyes. She was amazing and we were so close.

So I ignored any feelings I had for any girls over the course of a year. I figured it was nothing and happened to everyone. Until I found out what actually being gay really was, and how it affected you and all that. So I continued to ignore any feelings I had and went on with the year, I joined GSA at my school and started to participate more in activities involving the "color of rainbow" ;) as I sometimes put it.

Finally after everything, I realized I wasn't only attracted to boys, I kept it in the shadows until I was 12. I didn't know my parents true feelings on the subject. I knew they were okay with it but at the same time they weren't. So I was scared, and let me tell you there is no need to be, if your parents truly love and accept who you are they'll accept all of you, not just what's on the outside.
I decided to start out slow, which by the way is actually a good idea in my opinion instead of just throwing it in there face and walk away, so I told my best friends. They accepted me instantly and said they'd love me regardless of my sexuality. They supported me in the awkward times and encouraged me to tell my family and parents.

So I went to my older sister and told her, she took a day or two to let it sink but also accepted me. She too encouraged me to tell my parents.

Each person built me up bit by bit until I finally felt confident enough to tell my parents. it's always good to have your friends besides you helping you through the tough times, it helps with the parents. So I finally had enough confidence to tell my parents and I went on a walk with them to tell them. While we were walking we saw a gay couple and my dad just kinda looked at the acting all in love and then he looked at me and said, "I could never imagine you marrying a girl or even acting like that in public with another girl." I was so ready to tell them, and then my confidence crumbled. So I told them that I forgot what I was going to tell them.

My friends kept trying to boost my confidence but after that I felt like I couldn't do it. I knew that I had it so much easier than some other people but I was just scared.

So my sister helped me out and told about half of it to them with us all sitting down for a talk. Until I took over and finished what had to be said.
At first they just kinda gave me that look like "seriously???" Then they said I didn't have to be so scared and had nothing to worry about, they love me no matter what. And then they decided to add (like the funny parents they are) that they'd still love me even if I went on a high tech mission to kill the president. We all laughed and had a good time after that.

But the point is, there's nothing to be afraid of. Friends and parents are so accepting. If you are gay, bi, lesbian, pan, etc take your pride and show it to the world!!! Everyone is so strong and deserves whatever kind of live they want, even if they can't see it at first. so give it a shot and see how it goes, everyone might just be more accepting than you think! ;) Because I'm for one, happy I told my parents, it makes it so much less stressful and so much more easier and happier.

A/N: Thanks again to Casti3l_Winchester for helping me, it means a lot. I'm glad to call you my friend and I'm so happy for you. I cant thank you enough for being here for me and making me smile, Ilysm <3

Sorry for not updating for ages, there is just a lot of stress with school and life in general rn so please forgive me, and i kinda only have two stories left so its gonna take a little till i find new ones, I'm sorry

Merry Christmas/ happy holidays and a happy new year, please remember that you are beautiful and strong and i wish you all the best for the new year.

If anyone of you needs someone to talk don't hessitate to pm any of the authors or me.

I'll hopefully see ya soon with another update,
Byeee ❤️❤️❤️

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