Open Minded

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A/N: hey lovelies, here is the 22nd chapter, its written by the lovely troylerbabies. She is so nice and i like her a lot. I'm so glad that she helped, a big thanks to you girl. <3

Hello. *waves awkwardly*

Some of you may know me on here (troylerbabies), hello again. :)

Anyways, I wanted to share my life experience and maybe advice on LGBTQ+ thingys.

First things first (I don't say the realest), I grew up catholic (whaat a Catholic who watches flaming homosexualsis ik).

And call me ignorant, but I didn't really know "my people" were "against" the LGBTQ+ (I really need to learn the whole acronym smh) community up until my freshman year. Crazy right? I've been going to Sunday school since before I could comprehend bible versus, and never once was I told that loving people of different/same gender was a sin.

And my family and I never had a problem with the LGBTQ+ community growing up. Let me break it down, ight?
(note to self, never say ight.)

From ages 5-10 I grew up in a cozy apartment complex with nice neighbors. One of which so happened to be a gay couple. And yes, they were like 30, and yes my friends and I were like 10. But they had such an energetic charisma and their porch was filled with crazy plants - it resembled a jungle, that we all became friends instantly. My parents never had a problem with their relationship and I didn't question why they hold hands or called each other "sweetheart" or "babe". It just seemed normal.

Now skip-ish to a couple years after, we moved into a bigger house and my momma had just popped out my (now annoying lord help) brother. So, being the older sister, my responsibilities were to watch him while he was outside playing with the neighbors kids. My neighbors who happened to be a very sweet lesbian couple. Laura and Maggie. Ugh they were so nice I don't know why they left. Anyways, they had two adorable girl twins and they got along well with my brother, so I was always on babysitting duty. They would always tell me (well I asked bc I was a nosey pre-teen) how they met and about coming out and stuff. And I remember Laura telling me a quote she heard from a book that said "you don't always know who you like until you feel the sparks fly" and I thought that was cool as frick because you can fall in love with the most unpredictable people. I still recite that quote to this day. She didn't tell me to go chase after the boy of my dreams, she told me to find the love of my life. (she went into deeper details but I forgot because it was a couple years back & I'm gettin' old)

Oh in 7th grade my friend came out as bi and it was a cool moment between us because obviously being very young she was scared and being a good friend I gave her a hug and my brownie.

So you see, no matter where I was there was never just a bunch of hetero couples everywhere, there was always a couple of gays living there lives to the fullest. They were gay. (I'm using that term as in happy hehe)

(I swear I'm almost done with the past time just be patient)

Remember when I said in the beginning that I didn't realize the whole "gay is a sin" until 9th grade? Here is how that story went:

I was eating a donut (wow so healthy) in the parish hall because it was almost time for youth group and I was trying to rush while not choking to death, when I heard a conversation from an acquaintance of mine and the youth group leader.

"Debby, (debby is the leader) I can't continue coming to these classes knowing that people are against who I am."

"I understand Ivan, (Le gay) but you're here for a reason and your parents are paying money for this. You'll evolve eventually and see that you're in a phase."

By the time the conversation went fuzzy as I ran inside and asked my sister about the whole ordeal. WAIT PAUSE IVAN WAS A REALLY FUNNY GUY AND WE ALL LOVED HIM BUT THE DANG TEACHERS WERE ALL BRAINWASHING HIM INTO THINKING WE ALL DESPITE HIM SO HE LEFT. I'm still mad at that because I don't see him at church.

~okay present finally~

As for me, I don't know my sexuality, and it's okay because I'm still fairly young and not expecting to fall for someone quickly. Yes I've had my faire share of boy crushes in the past, but recently I got my first girl crush hehe... She was sophomore (10th) while I was a junior (11th) and, I don't know, I got butterflies when I saw her around campus, it was, different. And I was nervous to say hi or to talk to her... But I haven't seen her in this school year (she'd be in 11th & I in 12th) So I'm not over it pfftt.

As for now I'm not labeling myself. I'm loosely using straight if asked, but that could change.

Moral of the story: keep an open mind. Don't be quick to turn down someone on physical appearance, if they treat you like the gosh darn (cool swear words) royalty you deserve to be, then keep them around.

-ale out- *drops mic and trips over the cord*

A/N: thanks again to troylerbabies for helping me. Ilysm and your comments on the wpw made my day, thx. I really like this chapter, bc it shows that not everyone who is religious a homophobe/transphobe.
I hope you peeps liked this chapter, ily and please remember that you are not alone!
I'll see ya soon with another update, lovelies
Byeee ❤️❤️❤️

Ps: I'm so so sorry i didn't updated for a week but I'm really stressed out and I'm actually running out of stories but i have literally no time to talk to people bc i have so much stuff in school rn. I'm sorry but i will start soon just give me a little time, thx.

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