A story about suicide

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*trigger warning*

One of my best friends on here tried to kill herself and I'm so grateful for everyone stepping in trying to help

she is alive, she tried to kill herself but her parents found her, before it was to late. she is currently in a hospital in a coma and needs surgery. I hope she will be better soon, I love her so much and I'm so worried but glad that she is alive.

I want to thank everyone who helped me with all my heart... ik that we couldn't stop her but we tried and it means the world to me, she is one of my best friends. And I can't thank you enough for all the support, love and help I got. I was a sobbing mess and you helped me a lot only with answering my message or saying that you'll help me.

But I need to give the biggest thanks to @Muffintop, she is on of my best friends on here and a friend of Hazel too. We talked the whole night yesterday trying to stop Hazel... she was there in the first second and she was the person who introduced me to Hazel. I can't thank you enough for introducing me to one of my best friends, for always being there, you were there for me during discovering myself and coming out. You were there the whole time last night, we kept each other updated and without you I think I would have broken down and maybe even given up after three hours... We fought so hard together last night and gave hope to each other. I love you and you are amazing. Please remember that it's not our fault we did everything we could, and I hope she will be okay. We won't loose our little Angel again. We won't. Thank you so much for everything.

Thank you to everyone who did something, it could be a single message or spamming her. I don't care, it just means the world to me that you tried to help her.

Update: she is so much better and a lot of things changed over the last few months, she overcame so many of her problems and is overall so much happier.
live truly gets better

idk if this will help anyone but I just want you to know that there are people who care for you, maybe you only know them from the internet and they live on the other side of the world but they do care and love you and they will be here for you throughout it all, just like I was there. ♥

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