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© 2015, Caymen

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains materials protected under international and federal copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorised reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanic, including photocopying, reproducing, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written express written permission from the author/publisher.

In other words I will hunt you down and sue your ass. Trust me, I have connections!


THIS IS A BOOK UNDER EDITING!!!! Be in mind this is the very first ever wattpad book I've written so give us a break yeah? Hahaha.

So for those of you who have just entered please read the introduction to the characters before you move on to reading all about Tessa's adventures. But welcome and I hope you enjoy!

Love Caymen xx


Tessa Romano.
Age: 17
Gender : female
Occupation: Being an Invisible sarcastic Bitch

If you didn't know or have forgot, I'm Tessa Romano. Some people don't even know I exist, making me invisible. Okay! now you're probably thinking aw poor girl, she must be shy! Think again buddy, just because I don't want to be the focus of the spotlight, doesn't mean I'm some Loser who hides behind the bleachers stalking her soccer player crush. Which I don't, because our schools soccer team is made up of a bunch of goons

I'm just Tessa. Tessa Romano who sits at the back of the class. In her whole entire life has not ever put her hand up to ask for questions. Trust me I get good grades, in fact their great, but I don't like to be praised and end up throwing the paper in the bin before I get home. I'm the one you ignore because I'm not one to be associated with, and really I couldn't care less, I'm not socially awkward and if I had friends I would have had them but that's not me. That's not Tessa Romano.

Then one day, 'lucky' me gets to be cornered by the 'hottest' guys in school.

1) Noah Matthews, Matthews is one of the biggest player you could ever come across. First he would seem like boyfriend material but  in a weeks time you'll find him in bed with your best friend. but to me he's just another playboy whos cocky, rude and A pain in the ass. If there was a game, and the point of it was to bang evey girl in school, he would have been the winner in a instant because he's already, and I quote. "Been there. Done that".

2) Carter Richards. Some say he poped out of a fashion magazine. Well you are not wrong with that one kids, Carter is one of the most famous models in the country. If you could name a brand he would most likely already had done a photo shoot for them. He's gone from teen vogue mag to being one of the main models for Kanye West's Yeezus line. You're probably thinking wait so that means he is also a player? Well you're wrong there! He is the most Kindest, gentlest person you could ever meet. And is a charmer with the teaches and believes in fate not one night stands. Carter's smooth with words that make you melt into a puddle, even with the teachers as his grades go from a D- to a B in less then 30 seconds.

3) Last but not least you have Jae. Jae Dallas. To be quite honest, I don't know Much about Jae, he stands out to me as the black sheep of the group. Jae is someone who has a face that never changes, if you were to ask him a question he would give you this blank Stare which tells you "does it look like I really give 2 fucks" which gets people to shut their traps just like that. Like the rest of the boys Jae isn't too bad looking himself, he just has this auro that tells you "I dare you to try me." Which is probably the answer to all the girls I see crying in the corridor as he walks by.

Now that my friends is a brief description of the 3 most annoying guys in the school, who unfortunately for them, would like to be friends with me, Tessa Romano. I don't know why? but I have been outnumbered 1 against 3. Just because I've be outnumbered doesn't mean shit, I'll always be Tessa the girl who doesn't care about anything but being invisible to the world. nothing will change me.

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