Drink up loner.

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Being 18 and legal makes buying alcohol easy. Just after we left my house, Carter made a quick stop at the liquor store to buy a couple of boxes. In our state the age restriction is 18 and Noah being the only one who's legal at the moment, brought 3 boxes of beer and a packet of chicken crisps for me.

As we waited in line to buy them, I secretly checked out Noah and Carter from behind. Noah's outfit looked like as if he just got pulled out of my tumblr dashboard. Blue denim skinny jeans with small riped holes, a grey t-shirt with a band name I've never heard of was placed under a green camo jacket, the new limited edition Reeboks finished up his look. I'd be lying if I didn't say that Noah wasn't getting any looks from the girls that walked in and out. I also would be lying if I said he wasn't responding to them, everytime a girl would giggle or twirl her hair, he would pull off the Adidas cap he was wearing, dragging his hand through his dark locks and putting it on backwards. Such a flirt.

Carter on the other hand looked like a fricken super model. His brown hair is styled long in the front but shorter on the sides, His white plain shirt was hidden underneath his black bomber jacket while his navy dark jeans were folded at the ankles over his all white Nike Air Forces that sat on his feet. Now and then he would fix his hair trying to make it longer like a mini bang that's shoved to the side. Carter is getting the same amount of attention Noah is getting, but he's so oblivious to it that he didn't realise that the cashier girl didn't ask for his ID.

I look at Noah as Carter stands off to the side with his box looking unfazed, this must happen quite a lot and the cashier just assumes he's at legal age. Once Noah has placed his boxes of alcohol on the counter, he pulls out his ID before placing it on the counter. "Tessa you want anything?"

Noah looks over his shoulder giving me a questioning glare. I look around the counter before grabbing the chicken chippies and placing it next to the alcohol, whispers happen around me as I do so. Mostly the girls behind me snickering away but I choose to ignore it and keeping walking after Noah as he heads to the exit.

It's not such a long drive to the house that's holding the party. Carter cruises through the rich part of town, I should know because the city it split into three parts according to the citizens. You have what everyone calls Neverland, if you've ever seen Peter Pan you'll realise that's where the lost boys are from. That's why they call it Neverland, that's where the projects are. People with benefits and underprivileged children live in the flats around that area, drug busts and gang facilities are placed there. Some of the kids that live there come to my school attending because of scholarships and overhearing their conversations, life there isn't pretty.

Then you have 'The Crest'. It's the smallest part of town, Neverland and The city take up most of the land population that only small neighborhoods is what is left in 'The Crest'. That's where I'm put in, they call it the crest because, it's where the workers of big companies live, on the scale of rich to poor we're probably placed on the halfway line. We live in the small part of town 20 minutes away from the city but 10 minutes over from Neverland. My Papà decided to move here because this is where he started, we can afford living with the rich but he believes money doesn't make up who you are, and I couldn't have agreed more.

Last but not least you have what everyone calls 'The city'. The city is the rich part of town, they call it by it's name because living in the city is the most expensive place to live. You have your designer stores, mansions and everyone around you is either driving the latest BMW or a Range Rover. The city is made out of gold, Noah and Carter, I know for sure live in this part of town, followed by Jae who said he lived 10 minutes away from Noah. The big names live here, it's basically the Beverly Hills of this town. I've been here a couple of times usually to meet my dad at one of the hotels or when the freeway closed down and I had to take the long way to school.

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