Blast from the past

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The first thing I notice when I walk outside my Biology class was his hair. I noticed his denim skinny jeans, then his grey t-shirt, his jet black hair is styled to the back and I can smell his scent from where I'm standing. I'm getting a tad excited and pretty glad he hasn't seen me yet, so I quickly run up to him planning my sneak attack and jumping on his muscular lean back wrapping my arms over his shoulders.

"What the?" He turns his head slightly, seeing my face from the corner of his eyes. His lips turn into a small smile before his hand comes up above my head tapping it gently.

"Someone missed me?" Carter says, as I hop off his back. He makes a full turn so that his whole body is facing me.

"You did kind of leave me with Noah and Jae, so..."

"Ah yes, I recall you calling them the 'spawns of satan' Yeah?" He states, letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah whatever." I say rolling my eyes. "So how was Milan, you lucky shit."

"Same old same old. You kind of get sick of it, when you basically go there every 6 months."

"I'd rather be in Milan then boring Perth!" I say.

"Well next time I go I'll take you with me." Carter states smiling down at me with his perfectly staright teeth.

"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah me and the boys were planning on going anyways, since you're one of us you get a automatic invitation."

"So fricken cool-"

"AHEM!" A voice from behind Carter interupts me.

Carter's eyes go slightly larger, remembering something he must have forgotten. He turns back around to his first position before running his hand through his hair. I've noticed that all of them do that, it must be a guy thing. I shift my body to the side to see, who the person is that's standing in front of Carter.

It's a girl. Who happens to be very pretty, she's tall and and her pale skin has a slight tan to it. Her black and yellow sundress sits at a short length stopping above her knees, she wears a faded jean jacket over it and completing her look, black Windsor boots cling to her slender legs. Her dark brown hair is left down, while bangs cover her forehead, She literally wears no makeup at all as if she's naturally pretty but what gets my attention is the smile she is giving me. It's over the top and kind of creppy but it doesn't make her less beautiful than she already is.

"Hi!" She says enthusiastically.

"Hi" I reply slightly confused.Who is she?

I look over to Carter, as his green eyes stare down at me giving me a lopsided smile.

"I didn't know Carter had a Girlfriend?" Random chick assumes, but the way she said it was like as if she was spitting venom at me.

"WHAT!" We both spit out, chocking on oxygen. Carter starts to laugh hysterically, but chokes as I tap his back for support.

"Wait what?" Carter says, as he leans down clutching his stomach.

"Aren't you two together?" She questions.

"No." I blurt out, letting out a small laugh.

"Nah, she's more like a goupie." He replies, standing staright and giving me a gentle nudge. I look at him giving my signature evil eyed stare.

"Thanks Carter" I say sarcastically.

She blinks a few times before shaking her head laughing to herself."Oh? I don't mean to be rude or anything who are you exactly?" She mumbles.

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