Here's to awkward silences and Ice-cream

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If I had a Facebook profile, my recently posted status would probably be along the lines of.

-Feeling Awkward with Jae Dallas.


1 like = 1 prayer

Yep that's exactly how I would picture it!

We've been sitting at this bus stop for a good 10 minutes now, and never, in my whole entire life, would I ever wish for a nuclear bomb to drop right in front of me, but I feel like making an exception. At least it would kill the silence because it's definitely killing me.

Through out the whole time we've been standing here, neither of us has said a single word to each other. I look over to the digital clock which is standing on top of the bus timetable, as it reads 17:45.

Great another 15 mins till the bus arrives.

I look over to my side stealing a glance at Jae. For the last 10 minutes, he has been staring at the same lamppost for quite a while. I'm starting to get curious, afraid the argument we had back at school is causing me to get the silent treatment.

"Um are you alright?" I whisper quietly, hoping not to set any mine bombs off.

Jae nods his head lightly, shaking out any thoughts that have occupied his brain. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm good."

Wow. That was convincing.

"Are you sure? Because if it was the whole argument thing we had back at school. I should be the one to apologies, as I was the one who snapped at you first." I say awkwardly. "I'm not very good with the whole 'sorry' thing. It was just that it was a bad day for me, all the attention and the rumours-"

"No it has nothing to do with that or you in general- Wait? What rumors." Jae says snapping his head away from the lamppost and pushing off the bus stop shelter, towering over me while I stay silent.

"What Rumors!" Jae's tone gets a bit louder and demanding.

"Did I say rumors I meant...ha-ha-ha...umm tumors, yeah tumors." I try to say as convincing as I can. Tumors? Even a 5 year old could come up with something better.

"I'm not fucking around Tessa, who's been talking shit about you." Jae says furiously.

"Woah there tiger, calm down." I joke, but fail as his eyes fill with anger.

Well shit.

"I'm being serious." He hisses.

"It's nothing to worry about trust me, I'm a big girl now I think I can handle a few words." I reply.

"Yeah, but just because you ignore it, doesn't mean they won't hurt you." He replies.

"It didn't." I whisper, little bit scared of angry Jae.

"Tessa seriously if you don't tell me now, I will find out myself."

"It's- Oh look the bus."

Just as things were getting messy, a blue and green bus comes speeding down the road dangerously. I wave out my hand to signal it, when it slows down to a stop, opening it's electric doors wide. I run in as fast as I can, paying the driver and finding a seat next to an old lady who smiles at me sweetly. There are plenty of empty seats on the bus, I'm just avoiding Jae's wrath as much as I can.

Jae comes in slowly, like snail slowly. Paying the driver, then looking around the bus until his furious gaze lands on me. He lets out a breath of frustration before making his way to the back of the bus, for just a millisecond I was relieved that he decided to walk past me. Then all of a sudden a large hand clamps over my forearm and my whole entire body is being dragged out of my seat and into the next isle behind. With a extra push in the chair caused by the bus, I'm squashed between the window and Jae's entire upper body forbidding me to move.

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