Rooming with the enemy

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Loud screams fill the hall as I sit and watch behind rails of the stairway. My tears are streaming down my face, as I hold on to my stuff toy tightly. I stare at my mother who has her hands flying in the air, my father's big strides walk back and forth his fingers pulling at the black locks of his hair. I try to block out the sound of the yelling by holding both of my hands against my ears, but nothing can tear away the sound of distress and anger. I cry until there's no more tears left, I cry until my sobs turn silent, I cry until the only thing that's left inside of me is the vision of my mother kneeling in front my father as he sits on the couch with his head in his hands. I barely miss the action of his shoulders shaking, as he cries silently, he wipes his eyes standing from the couch and disappearing down the hall to "their" room with my mother just following after.

I hear the door slam close, as I attempt to move down the stairs but my legs feel to much like jello, yet I still had made my way to the end of the staircase. I slowly walk towards the bedroom of my parents leaning on the door as I listen to their muffled whispers on the other side.

"I keep telling you Lucca but you're not even listening to what I have to say." I hear my mother yell. "I can't do this-me, her, you. I have a life ahead of me-"

"You don't think I do too?" My father yells back. "I live in a country where my first language isn't spoken, my family are a million miles away and I have no one else here to support me except for Giovanni.-"

"I get that. But that's it-"

"No that's not it! I have no job and I've left all my studies to do what I can for this family. I'm  putting all my faith in a project Giovanni "thinks" will pull us out of  the struggle." I can hear his voice raise at every word he says. "The funny thing is that I believe it will, something is telling me that this will be a success-"

"It's will be, you say?" She half laughs. "Are you listening to yourself Lucca? The key
Words "it will be?' We live in the the present, I can't keep looking a head of myself because no one knows what the future holds, no one! That's not how I live, I can't depend on a small project that you and Giovanni are relying on. I can't just hope that this will blow up and everything will be alright, because it's not, nothing is alright. You've got to get your head out of your arse because you've got this whole plan set out, but you haven't taken any action steps to make it happen! Tell me, what are your next steps? How are you going to get the attention of the estates? What funding do you have that is supposed to support this idea you both have?"

Silence is all that's heard, no reply from my father just the sound of my uneven breathing as I wonder as to why they're fighting against each other. I listen to the sound of shuffling feet right before the loud slam of the closet door gives me a small fright, the impact of the closet door had made the bedroom door to open a little. I quickly crawl towards the small passage watching my mother walking back and forth from the closet as she lays out her clothes on the bed, my father sits on the edge of the mattress as he watches her grab the suitcase at the back of the closet, and fill it with her belongings.

Where's my mum going? I thought to myself. My Father suddenly stands up, walking towards the dresser as pushing everything off the bench, getting the attention of my mother who looks back at him in shock.

"Well that wasn't necessary was it?" She says.

"I don't care Diana, you think up and leaving is the best way to deal with this shit? What about Tessa huh? What do you expect me to tell her when she wakes up and finds that you're not here! What the hell am I supposed to tell her?" My father yells.

"Just tell her that I've gone on a very long holiday." My mother zips the first pocket of her suitcase before marching towards the dresser picking up her cosmetics.

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