I walked right into that one

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School. Dickson High School is what you call a Soap Opera, with all the drama, gossip, heartbreaks, makeups etc. You would think that we were all being filmed for a TV reality show. School is also about unnecessary facts on the dead and the ancient, mystery blobs which they call cafeteria lunch and strict teachers who can't wait until the day you graduate. We all treat our education as a joke sometimes...well others all the time. But weather we admit it or not we need school for learning purposes.

Okay, who am I kidding? I'm just bullshiting myself. We all know the Government practically forces us into school until we're 16 to drop out. Some have taken that rule seriously while others are scared to in case they get their asses whipped by their mothers. But a very, very small, that you wouldn't be able to see it if I drew it, is the percentage of people who actually want to attend school. That's just the beauty of Dickson High.

The first thing your recognize is how much of a Zoo it really is, people bumping into people, some trying to get to their lockers without being squished against the wall, and others throwing a rugby ball around hitting people 'accidentally' on the heads.

Even though it may seem like chaos, It's my favorite part of the day, the part where I can sneak through the crowd and nobody notices me, I could literally be standing in front of them and they would still walk straight past. I don't mind, the busier the better I can get to my class without getting any attention.

I quickly make my way to my first period class, sitting all the way at the back so no one notices. People start to fill in the seats fast, some are even tripping over one another to get to a certain desk. Nobody wants to sit in the front row, not with Hawkeye watching your every move.  Hawkeye a.k.a Mr Renalds is probably one of the most scariest teachers yet, he can see everything and everyone like he has eyes on the back of his head.

The door slams open interrupting all conversation in the class room as our lovely English teacher walks in. "Alright humans. Get your books out we ar- MR OSCAR! PLEASE PUT YOU CELLULAR DEVICE IN YOUR BAG!" Screams Mr Renalds.

All heads turn to Toby Oscar, who's on a verge of pissing his pants. His whole body shakes he cries from Hawkeye's wrath.

As if on cue a late comer enters straddling through the door all high and mighty, God bless his soul. Necks snap as they glare at Mr. Renalds wondering what he will do to his next victim, you can almost feel the heat radiating of his body. He clicks his pen once, smirking at his target.

"So Mr. Richards, I see you've decided to join our class this morning." Mr. Renalds says while tapping his pen against his desks.

The victim rolls his eyes, Probably not the best idea for someone who just walked into hell, but we'll see what happens. "Sir, I thought you would've known better? I have to make my grand entrance like in do in every class, and you call yourself a teacher?"

The class bursts into laughter not after Mr. Renald's snaps his head to the student body, and like Medusa everyone turns into stone. Tight lipped students, getting the look from hawkeye.


"Mr. Richards I'm really starting to get sick of your attitude in my class! This behavior is unacceptable and I've had the last straw with you young man." Mr. Renalds huffs. "Straight to the office you go!"

He shrugs raising his eyebrows in an I-don't-give-two-fucks manner and putting his headphones in, pivoting towards the door.

"Wait! I haven't finished yet." Renalds interrupts.

"Ms. Romano please follow Mr. Richards to the school office so I know that he's actually going to go there."

Wait! What?

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