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I was frustrated, wet, sticky and I hated the fact that I actually agreed to this. It was nearly close to midnight and I was getting restless because we still hadn't made it to our destination, Jae would keep looking back to me from time to time and laugh at my angry state. I was not finding this situation at all hilarious.

His hand was wrapped around mine dragging me across the field despite putting my weight all on my legs, hoping that he would get the hint that I want to stop walking but he ignored me. Carter is already drunk and had started on the ride to the field, he's leaning against Noah who looks just as pissed as I do. My eyes land on the small speck of light and faint sounds of music are traveling pass me. I breathe out in relief knowing that we're nearly at the field party.

I can see a couple of trucks circled around with their headlights on to give the space some light, we were going to bring the car but we couldn't get it across the large ditch. I told them we should've used Marco's work truck, but they wanted to show off the new ride. Now look the car didn't even make it close to the party, that's what happens when arrogance meets stupidity.

The music gets louder and Carter picks up on the song and starts singing behind me, even though he's drunk off his face his voice is still just as beautiful. Brooklyn has gone to visit her dad in the city over and Carter thought that was a sign to get pissed...while his girlfriend is away. Just wait until the next day and he's going to regret every impulse decision he's making right now.

"Are you okay Tess?" Jae asks, he stopped for a while to check on me, and despite the fact that I may have sprained an ankle due to our adventure I just nod. "Do you want me to piggy back you?"

I sigh thinking and then say yes but he chuckles and shakes his head. "Cmon Tessa, the party is literally 10mins away."

10 minutes is enough time for me to fall into a coma, in fact that gives me idea maybe I should fake one right now. Jae gives me a dry look and shakes his head forcing me to pinch my eyebrows in confusion. "You really need to stop talking aloud, especially when it comes to your plans of getting out of this. If I have to come to this you do to."

"That's the thing babe, you didn't have to come to this. We could've just stayed in the game room and watched movies all night." I soften my voice hopping that would convince him for us to go back but he scoffs pulling me forward as he continues.

"I'm kinda expected to go to these things." He stops and throws me a look over his shoulder before he could shrug. "Besides, I'm Jae Dallas. I'm the shit around here."

"You're a cocky piece of shi–"

"YEAH TESSA!" Carter yells from behind me, he's wobbling in his shoes as Noah tries to keep him up right. "HE'S JAE FUCKING DALLAS."

I internally cringe and Noah places his palm against his mouth as Carter mumbles some more. "Carter? Please shut the fuck up."

Carter zips his lips and makes a dramatic gesture of throwing away the key, you would have thought that was done with but then he sticks his tongue out and does a raspberry spitting all over Noah. "CARTER! Jae you better come and get him before I pummel his drunken ass into this mud."

Jae curses dragging a hand through his hair which I only just noticed is getting longer, he turns glaring at his friends before letting go of my hand and making his way to Carter. He places his arm over his shoulder and Carter places a kiss on Jae's cheek which causes Jae to jump back in shock. Noah throws his arm off from around him before Carter could do the same and power walks up to me furiously.

"Aw Noah." I coo hooking my arm around his. "Did you not want some of Carter's affection?"

"Get your hands off my girl Matthews!" Jae yells from behind us.

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