The Pinky Sucker

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As soon as the doors are opened, my ears perk up as I hear the sound of engines, my nose is filled with oil substances and the room is crowded with people. A lot of people.

As the smoke subsides I'm given a clear view of what all the fuss was about!

It's a-

Go Kart track.

Are you flipping serious right now? I wonder to myself.

Wanting to strangle all three of them? I panicked for them to bring me to Go Kart track that happens to be in a large abandoned warehouse.

Great, They're going to kill me by using mini cars.

I watch as people stand behind the barriers cheering on the first two opponents, they all wave money around shouting at one another trying to get a better view of the race.

This is no ordinary Go Karting. It's illegal, they're betting on illegal Racing, and I get to be in the middle of it.


I'm not going to lie, I have a thing for racing. Especially when Paul Walker is the driver.

Just kidding.

As much as I love my Fast and Furious movies, I like being in the action as well. When I was Younger, My dad would take me to the race track every now and then to calm my temper. I was a fiesty kid back then, Kids at my primary school would say stuff about how I didn't have a mother? Why I wore such boyish clothes? Etc. The effect to this was to get angry, and pull out anyones hair if they questioned me. I got sent to the principles office so many times that my dad had to find another way to let out some steam.

So he took me to the race track, it was a way to let go but also to bond with my dad, since he was always at work. After that I learnt how to control my anger, and began just to ignore people and they'll ignore me.

Seeing the race course now! I've never been more excited in my life.

I remember the feel of the rubber against my small plump fingers, the tightness of the helmet suffocating my face and the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Everything about racing was exciting, I felt like a little kid again.

"Oh fuck me in the ass" I say looking at the track in front of me.

"What?" Noah asks.

"Twice, I'm living the dream."

Okay not the best of words to describe my excitement but I'm not caring.

"Baby all you gotta do is ask" A voice says from behind me.

As Noah turns around like the rest of the boys, our backs are turned against the beautiful race track and to a very handsome face.

That comment sucked ass, but I have to admit he was as hot as these guys.

"Kaleb" Carter says smirking a little before giving him a light fist pump. I can sense Jae stiffen from beside me as his face goes back to being blank and his posture rigid, I have a feeling Jae doesn't like Kaleb as much as Carter.

I quickly pull off of Noah's back, hinting him to let go of me. Once he does he drops me and my butt crashes to the floor in one fluid movement.

"Well thanks!" I whisper under my breath.

Black and white Adidas shoes come into view, and I slowly lift my head up and see a very good looking Kaleb. He smiles down at me ruffling his Blonde hair before putting his cap back on. His features are god like and his eyes are a piercing grey. Wow.

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