I'm sorry

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Jae's POV:

What's worst then feeling like a total douche is getting yelled at by Sofia. News travels fast when you live in a world like mine. She already knows what happened with Tessa, what she just recently found out was the fact I nearly ran butt naked around the school. Trust me, she wasn't too happy about that. She told me to go and apologise, and I quote "Like a real man Jae!" And she isn't wrong about that either.

I'm startled, when my bedroom door slams open making a small dent in the wall behind. The tall figure walks from behind me and onto my bed. I turn around with my arms folded over my chest, welcomed by Noah's presence his hands over his face in frustration.

"Sup?" I say.

"Damn it" The sound of his full voice, muffled behind his hands.

I walk over to the desk chair before sitting in it, my arms resting on top of my thighs. I sigh. "You as fucked up as I am right now."

"Yep" Noah says. "Do you think we should go to her house?"

"Honestly I don't know?" I reply. I swing from the chair facing the wall, thinking of a millions ways how I could approach this situation. Yes, it was the dumbest thing I've ever done, and yes, I do feel like the biggest idiot for even hurting her the way I did. Hell do I regret it.

My thoughts running wild as I spin in the desk chair, trying to paste it all together. I grab my jacket off the bed post, before exiting my room. I pick up my keys from the side hooks, leaving from the garage door and heading to my car.

"Where you going?" Noah yells, balancing on one foot as he puts on his shoes.

"Tessa's" I answer, before opening the drivers door in a rush. I hear another creek open, and the car slightly dropping from the extra weight. I watch as Noah buckles himself up, placing his hand on the dashboard in front of him.

"Don't think your apologising by yourself." Noah says.

"You know this had noth-"

"Don't start that shit Jae, Carter and I both agreed. That's the end of it."

"Whatever dude." I say before starting the engine, and reversing it out of the garage.

I start to drive slower as we get closer to Tessa's house. I pull my car into park before hopping out and walking towards the brown wooden double doors. While ringing the door bell once, Noah and I stand back and wait patiently.

As the door slowly creeks open, a short  familiar figure stands in front of us. His arms folded across his chest and a look on his face that screams Pissed. Mr. Romano looks down at Noah and I, tilting his head to side intimidating us.

"Boys." Mr. Romano says. We might be taller then him, but at the moment he definitely has the upper hand.

"Hello Mr. Romano." Noah starts. "Um is Tessa home?"

"No." He replies. His brows furrow as he watches us, with a look that could make the mafia shit their pants. "Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, just wanted to see-"

"Aren't you Marco Dallas' son?" Mr Romano interrupts, referring to me.

"Ah yes sir." I answer

"I knew your face looked familiar." He says raising his eyebrows. "I also heard what happened with my little girl and apparently you were the one behind this?"

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