Forgive and forget right?

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The wonderful scent of food whiffs around the house, passing through the open space underneath the door as it battles with the aroma of lavender is coming from the scented candles on the windowsill. My stomach growls in response, I forgot I hadn't eaten all day as I replay the events that happened in the past few hours. I don't know how I'm still surviving without food, I'm honestly surprised I haven't gone out of my way to chew on the bed post right now.

A small knock takes me back, I bolt up from the bed smoothing down my now wrinkly shirt with my hands. "Uh yeah?"

"It's Jae." The voice replies. I nod as if he can see me from the other side of the wooden door. "When you're ready come downstairs. Mu-Sofia's just finished with lunch."

"Ah okay, I'll be there in a sec." I answer, I unzip my bag grabbing one of my Dads old university jerseys and pulling it over my head. By the time I've reached for the door handle, Jae has already disappeared and a small frown is placed on my face. The smell of the freshly made taco shells and minced beef, makes my insides churn as I feel a my frown disappear into a smile.

As I make my way to the kitchen, Sofia is behind the large countertop just placing the last dish on the bench. She see's me enter and her face lights up, as she gestures for me to take a seat. I smile picking one of the stools, I wrap my hands around each other as I wait patiently.

"Eat up Isa, don't wait for anybody! just dig in." Sofia explains, when she sees I haven't touched anything.

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to be rude and start-"

"No, No. You eat, I know you must be hungry! Jae told me you hadn't eaten all day, poor thing." She tucks a strand of hair behind her ears. "Cmon Isa I know you haven't had one of my special Taco's in a long time."

My stomach speaks for itself, making Sofia chuckle. I grab one of the small plates, placing a Taco shell on it and sweeping my eyes over all the fillings that Sofia has whipped up. I watch her as she pulls off a bit of the large ball of dough for the Taco's, her hands grainy and floury as she tugs and pats. I pull my gaze back at the full countertop, spreading the beef evenly in the shell, going for the cheese and then the vinegary salsa. The scent is heavenly and smells of all things good in this world.

Before I could even take one bite, the door bell rings causing me to nearly drop my Taco. I glance at Sofia, as she looks at her hands then at the doorway.

"I'll get the door." I say, hoping off the stool and standing up straight. She smiles at me apologetically before shaking her head slightly.

"It's probably just Marco!" Sofia explains.

I start to make my way out the kitchen only briefly catching the last of her sentence. "-why would he all of a sudden be using the front door?"

Standing In front of the huge entrance I go to grab the handle of the door opening it halfway, but it's forcefully open to a full when I see the two tall figures stand in front of me wide eyed. They look at each with questionable gazes then back at me, for what feels like a eternity the three of us just stand there and stare at each other not one of us making a move.

I swallow hard, trying to make up a conversation starter that doesn't involve "oh shit" or "this is awkward," but I wasn't the one to start, Carter was.

"H-Hey Tessa." Carter greets. An awkward silence is fallen upon, as they try to look anywhere but at me.

"Hi guys." I say, they look at me surprised that I responded as if it's some sort of dream. Noah gapes at me, weather or not deciding if he should protect himself in case I go bat shit crazy. Like I said, I'm over being mad and I can't hold grudges for long because they become pointless, like really what is the point? Besides, Jae said not to blame them and honestly I believe that they were just part of the bet as a friend helping a friend, even if the end result was hurting me. If I was put in that situation I would've done the same, but fortunately I don't have anyone except for Janna I'll take the fall for. Anyway I kind of missed my daily banters with Noah.

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