Love Yourself

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The shimmer of the morning sun cuts through my blinds shadowing my face as if it's an alarm to get me up in the morning. Most days I'd get up straight away and go on with my daily routine of lounging away on the couches, cuddled up, drowning away into a newly brought book I would have purchased from my nearest Borders. But today was not a normal day, my eyes felt as if the weight of the world was placed on them struggling to open from the amount of tears I shed yesterday. My throat was dry and my face felt like dirt as the dried up tears left memorable streaks. Bet. Friendship. Tessa.

Yesterday's events come rushing back like a flood, a massive headache starts to form and all I can do for now is lay here and look at the ceiling above me.

After I had found out about this so called bet, I quickly excused myself from lastnights event. The look on my Dad's face as he studied my features allowed me to leave not before mentally stating that we would talk about this later. Before I ran towards the exit, I bumped into Carter. I tried to hold in all the tears, hurt and anger that was filled inside of me, but I couldn't as the emotional side of me took over.


"TESSA!" A voice booms from behind. An out of breath Jae stands in between the entrance doors, hands on his hip huffing and puffing. Carter looks from me to Jae before his eyes widen in realization. He studies me reading my puffy red eyes before placing a hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry Tessa!" He whispers full of regret.

I sniff. "You're Sorry? Sorry that you made a bet on me or sorry that I had to ease drop to find out this was a game to yous?"

His touch becoming faint as his hand slides down my face and defensely to his side, before shamelessly looking at the ground beneath us. He turns around briefly before looking in Jae's direction.

"You didn't tell her!" Carter yells. "You said you were going to tell her."

"I was! She just heard it before I could explain! I went to go see Kaleb first to tell him the whole thing was off, that I didn't care anymore that I wanted nothing more to do with him or his stupid deal. She just happened to be there in the wrong place at the wrong time." Jae explains.

"You bet your ass I was, but I'm glad that I was able to see the truth behind all of this. I'm glad I found out so now you can stop toying with my emotions and leave me the fuck alone." I start to walk away to the car, where Dylan sits quietly ignoring the banter that's happening outside his car.

"Tessa we're really sorry, if we were able to take back what we did we would-"

"You know what!" I interupt. "The worst thing about it...I was stupid enough to actually think know what forget about it."

"We can explain!" Jae shouts. I stop in my tracks looking over my shoulder.

"You don't need to, I heard it all."

My eyes flutter open as I sit up to lean against my bedpost. My newly brought dress is sprawled carelessly on the floor, my white bedsheets covered with mascara stains while my t-shirt is slightly damp. All I remember after that was coming home, replacing the beautiful dress with something I thought was comfortable and slept through the hurt I was feeling. If I'm being quite honest here I don't know what's going to happen at school tomorrow, and I hope that I'll be able to ignore them as much as I tried to in the beginning. I wish it would dissappear from my memory, I want everything to disappear but I have to remember I live in a realistic world not a fairytale not everything is rainbows and ponies.

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