Chef Ramsey

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As I haul my bag on my shoulder, I look back once waving to Stefan and Janna just as they drop me off at the front step of the Dallas household. After Carter had dropped me off at the ice-cream parlour, Stefan was already sitting there playing with his ice-cream while Janna was behind the counter serving one of the 5 customers in line. Janna looks over the lady and smiles at me before pointing to Stefan's table, I walk over to it sitting in the chair across him with a fake pout on my face.

"So this is it? We just sit here and wait for Janna?" I asked.

"Pretty much." He confirmed

The whole entire time we just talked, on her break Janna told me about the new girl that just started at their school, who already has the biggest crush on Stefan. He just rolled his eyes at his explanation while Janna poked fun at him and his new found fangirl, which lead to Stefan excusing himself to use the bathroom. I've always wondered why Stefan would always wait for Janna until her shift was over and I was curious as to why they lived together. Until Janna had told me, both Stefan and Janna's parents were on vacation in Guam, on their way back from the trip they got in a serious plane accident that the bodies were not found and neither was the plane. Stefan's older brother was 18 at the time and had to take care of two 10 year old kids, he stepped in as their legal guardian and it's been that way ever since.

Today was their parents 8th anniversary of their death and some of their close family and friends were coming over for a dinner, so we didn't stay at the parlour long. Janna got off early and they drove me home before heading to the grocery store to buy items off a list that Stefan's brother had written.

I shuffle through my bag looking for the house key Sofia gave to me in case no one was at home. I find the silver key tucked away between my books as I go to open the door, the house is quiet I was expecting it to be a loud ruckus with the guys being here and all but it was dead silent. Almost too silent like in one of those horror movies, great I'm about to be murdered in someone else's home.

"Um I'm home." I yell out, but mentally hit myself in the face. Good one Tessa let the murders know that you're at home, alone I'm guessing.

I hear rustling coming from upstairs as each step gets louder and louder, I look at my exits running to the door I came through but my fingers fumble with the lock and my legs become like Jello. I hear the footsteps get closer and closer as they walk down the staircase, I turn around surrendering my eyes closed and my hands covering my face. I can feel the presence of someone as they slowly make their way towards me, I'm squirming silently afraid to look up.

"What are you doing?" A familiar voice says, I slowly remove my hands from my face and open my eyes as I gaze at the figure in front of me.

"Fuck." I say embarrassed, a tint of red stains my cheeks. I look down at my feet cursing in every language possible, I look up slightly as Jae gives me a weird stare. His hair hidden beneath a cap that is placed on his head backwards, a black sweatshirt covers the top of his body as a denim jean jacket slumps across his shoulders. Faded black jeans cover his legs as black vans are placed on his feet, he wiggles his car keys around his fingers as he stares at me impatiently.

"Okay first of all, stop looking at me like that, you just scared me." I say.

"Well no kidding, I think the hands over your face explained that quite clearly." He replies. "What were you doing?"

"The house was quiet, I thought that you guys would've gone out or something, but then I heard footsteps and got scared because I remember that Marco and Sofia are at work and-"

"Stop blabbering." Jae interrupts, he folds his arms against his chest nodding his head slightly. He pushes past me heading through the kitchen doorway, I look around waiting for the rest of them to come down the stairs but they never do.

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