Expecting the unexpected

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"Jae? Where are we going?" I say but he's silent walking ahead of me, I'm trying to keep up with his fast pace as I stumble behind him. All of a sudden he stops and I come crashing into his hard back, I reach up to touch my nose that made a hard impact on his back.

"I forgot something." He says and turns letting go of my hand he cups both my cheeks bringing me closer to him. He brings his head down and his lips come into contact with mine ever so gently. I smile as he kisses me thoughtfully and slowly, I match his pace as my lips dance with his. I stop to take a breath and my fingers instantly touch my swollen lips, I stare up at Jae who has a crooked grin on his face and kisses me one more time before taking a step back.

"Happy Birthday." He tells me and a blush immediately forms on my cheeks. He takes my hand again and leads me out of the school. "Trust me okay."

I nod even though he can't see me, he keeps going knowing I wouldn't protest to his actions. He takes me to his car, opening the passenger door for me he flicks his head for me to get in.

"Wow such a gentleman today." I tease and he roll his eyes. "I wish you were like this everyday."

I turn to get in but before I could hop into the seat Jae spanks the back of my butt hard, that I jump in my spot. I snap turning fast but I see him smirking to himself as he rounds the car to the drivers door. Soon enough we're both buckled in exiting the gates of school. I don't even second guess my intention of leaving school early without signing out, we basically just walked out and I didn't care.

Jae excitedly taps the wheel with his fingers, as a popular song blasts through the speakers. "Do I at least get a hint of whereabouts you're taking me?"

"Nope." He says unhesitatingly. "Trust the process Tess. If you're wondering, Noah hacked into the school computers and excused you for the rest of the day."

"Oh great." I say rolling my eyes.

"I can't see you but I can sense you rolling your eyes, you should probably stop doing that before they permanently stay looking at the back of your head."

"I'd be looking at my brain actually."

Jae nods and turns to me, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I know what I said."

I go to get him but the light turns green and we're off again driving down the main road. It takes a few minutes but then Jae rounds the corner shortly we're in front of the entrance gates of the botanical gardens. Driving up the steep long drive, the decorative flowers bloom outside my window in all sorts of beautiful colours.

Jae parks his car in a semi empty car park and tells me not to move before he hops out closing the door behind him. He jogs to my side of the car and opens my door as he leans against the frame. I shake my head chuckling and exit but he pulls me into him from my waist, closes the door and pushes me against the car.

He slouches down kissing my cheek then the corner of my mouth before he engulfs his lips into mine. This time this kiss screams pure need and we're busy tugging and biting, I moan slightly making a entrance for his tongue to enter my mouth. My hands grab the ends of his tshirt and I scrunch it in my fists as I feel the impact of his teeth on my bottom lip.

I push him back stopping the kiss as I hear another car enter the car park, he drops his head onto my shoulder and kisses the naked skin gently before levelling his head with mine.
I smile and push him off me gently but he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest.

"You're like this drug I can't get enough of." He whispers in my ear. "I can't wait for the day you'll let me have you, because I could do so much to this body you won't be able to walk for another week."

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