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"You look so pretty Tessa." Janna says. Her head perched on top of her arms as she lies across my bed. Stefan walks into my room soon after glancing at me before letting out a low whistle.

"Damn girl, got me almost wanting to share my sour patch kids with you." Stefan opens his packet before popping a couple into his mouth. I raise my hand for some and he holds it against his chest greedily. "Almost."

But he gives in and passes me the sour patches before joining Janna on my bed. I turn glancing at the mirror in front of me. The red silk material wrapping around my short figure, I brush off the left over sugar before running my hands down the fabric nervously. I refused to wear heels (shocker) and ended up with a pair of Serena 8 Dr. Martens. Which surprisingly, goes nicely with such a formal dress.

"You ready?" Stefan mumbles with candy in his mouth as Janna looks at him disgustingly. "Your Dad said to get a move on."

"Of course he did." I roll my eyes. I reach for the gold necklace that was sitting on my drawer before Janna looks at me excitedly before jogging her way over. She takes her necklace from my fingers before assisting in clipping the two ends together. "Now I'm ready."

"You look like a total badass Tess." Janna squeezes my shoulder lightly making my me smile.

I turn to grab my pouch while Stefan stands from relaxing on my bed and grabbing the suit cover hanging in my closet. He passes my cap which I take and soon enough we're joining my Dad who's patiently waiting in the foyer. He's fixing his dress shirt when I turn the corner before sensing my presence. Dad smiles at me and reaches out to give me a big hug.

"Your ruining my dress." I mutter, my face squished against his chest. "And my makeup."

"You look gorgeous baby girl." He mumbles. "You're growing up way to fast, I'm still in disbelief over that face a I have a full grown 18 year old daughter."

"Thanks dad." I whisper under my breath as I watch Janna and Stefan snicker. I manage to free my arms flipping the bird to both of them behind his back.

Stefan fakes a dramatic shocked look. "Sir, Tessa is giving us the finger."

I quickly retreat patting my dad's back while at the same time glaring at the little nark. "What are you ten years old?"

"That's not a nice way to talk to your friends." Dad stares while his eyes narrow pulling away from our embrace slowly.

"He started it-"

"Alright should we get going?" Janna interiors clutching her hands together. "You got everything Tessa?"

I nod and my Dad tilts his head. "Do you have your cap and gown?"

I point towards Stefan who's holding the suit bag and lift my hand to reveal my cap. "I'm ready to go."

He kisses my forehead before snatching the keys off the small table near the door. "I'll meet you there honey, make sure you're there on time...I know how you are."

"Drive safely." He mutters to Stefan, he returns with a salute. "No gas station stops, you two."

Janna pouts but nods her head, little does she know I already packed her snacks. My Dad walks put shutting the door behind him, Stefan claps his hands together bringing my attention back to him. "Well, lets go then ladies. We've got a graduation to go to."

"I can't believe this is it." The girl seated next to me whispers. She glances at me and offers a small smile which I return.

She's right, this is it. After this it's over. I have had the best experience throughout my high school career. I stayed back and focused on myself, made sure not to gain any attention while also just staying out of drama. Although I can't say the same about what happened on my last and final year.

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