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This was totally the worst idea; in fact I never should've followed him out in the first place. The black helmet heavy on my shoulders as I attempt to lift the screen away from my eyes. A sight so breathless in front of me, Jae leans on the handles of the motorbike with an annoyed scowl on his face.

"Romano for the last time just get on the bike." Jae spits. His patients for me running out quite quickly as he takes off his helmet, his hair devilishly tousled everywhere.

"Can't we just take the car." I bow my head as the screen drops down covering my eyes, for the last 15 minutes all we've done is banter about me getting on this dangerous vehicle.

"No, we can't." He rolls his eyes for the sixth time. "Just get on or I'll do something you'll regret."

"I'd like to see you try." I whisper to myself but as I glance up for a quick second, the corners of Jae's lips lift into a smirk. He glides off his bike smoothly as he staggers towards me. My eyes widen and I find myself moving backwards until my back hits the cold steel wall.

"I warned you Princessa." He laughs. He stands right in front of me; toe to toe as he crouches down. He picks up my legs off the floor carrying me bridal style. I start to squirm but the feeling of his arms wrapped around me and his scent is slowly driving me crazy, and it sucks.

He throws me gently on the bike, far forward that my stomach nearly touches the bars. He climbs on after me adjusting himself on the seat. His chest comes to contact with my back and I can feel the heat radiating off of me, he slides his arms under mine before clutching onto the bars of the bike.

"What are you-" I stop mid sentence when he revs up the engine and I start to realise his intention. "Don't you fucking dare-"

I scream as he zooms out of the garage and onto the main road, my hands clutching onto Jae's wrists. I shut my eyes to afraid to open them as I feel the bike swerve and turn making me shriek every 10 seconds. I can feel his chest vibrating behind me as he laughs at my fear, if  he wasn't driving at 120 in a 100km zone I would've turned around and strangled him with my wimpy hands.

I feel the bike slow down a little before stopping; I take a brave leap to open my eyes seeing that we've stopped because of the traffic signals. Passengers in their cars look at us at how stupid we are and some even take photos. Great, I'm going to be a meme.

Jae's face pops over my shoulder giving me a view of his strong jaw, I remove my hand from his wrist slapping the side of his face in a...moderate feel. He groans dropping his head onto my shoulder.

"Are you fucking crazy Jae?!" I yell. "Do you know how lucky I am to be alive right now, What is wrong with you?"

"Tess. Chill." He mutters. "You should've gotten on the bike when I told you to get on."

"I hate you." I mutter under my breath.

"We both know you don't hate me." He whispers in my ear, I elbow him softly from behind me, but all it did was let me feel one of his abs.

"We're going to get pulled over and Sofia is going to be super pissed about it." I shake my head, I watch the cars opposite us carefully waiting for them to slow down so I know when to get ready.

"Sofia isn't going to be pissed because she isn't going to find out." Jae puts his hands back in the handle leaning into my back. "Now hold on Princessa."

I sigh closing my eyes before holding tightly onto Jae's wrist, I shuffle back awkwardly hoping I wouldn't fall forward when the bike takes off. I feel the wind graze my cheeks as we zoom into the night, the smell of oil and grease surrounding the air around me.

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