So what are we?

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Although what just happened couldn't make me any happier, it wasn't evident on Sofia's face. Both Jae and I are sitting in the large living room, being death glared by the one and only, Sofia. She's not very happy about the fact I ended up in Jae's room, in his bed, for a whole night and half a afternoon. When she told Marco what had happened, all he did was laugh and exit the room muttering what sounded like. "Kids."

Now it's just us and Sofia, I'm trying to not sweat everywhere if I could but I have to say she's pretty damn scary right now. That's a sentence I probably would have never thought to use when trying to describe Sofia.

My hands are getting clammy, forcing me to wipe it on the sides of my clothing. Jae on the other hand looks calm, maybe from the heated moment we shared in the Tom and Jerry's supply closet, or there's seriously something wrong with him. He doesn't even flinch when Sofia's stare is directed at him, he manages to keep his cool almost looking bored.

"It's my fault for not establishing any rules sooner but I think they're needed now since you two are..." Sofia looks between the both of us, slightly confused. "What are you two? by the way."

Way to be discreet about it Sofia. We hadn't talked about it, we just kissed, stopped to breathe and then kissed some more. Until Janna found us and I walked out of that supply closet embarrassed, while Jae looked almost proud of his accomplishment. Other then that we hadn't said anything, in the car ride here he just kept trying to make subtle hints to try touch me. As much as I did want him to, I feared for my safety and being distracted is a common issue in most car accidents.

I swallow, turning to Jae slowly but his eyes are already set on me. I start to suck the bottom of my lip, but had to stop because of the way Jae's pupils dilated and wouldn't stop staring at my mouth. "Sofia's right, what are we Tessa?"

I hold from biting my lip and instead start wrangling my finger nervously. "Uh... what ever you think you want us to be."

Jae smirks, leaning back into the couch angling his jaw. "Well I think, that being your friend isn't enough for me."

I tried to stop the blush appearing on my cheeks but I couldn't, it was evident I could tell because Jae's smirk turns into a full arrogant grin. Then Sofia coo's unexpectedly, her hands on either side of her face. Jae looks horrified and I just get more embarrassed by the second. She stands abruptly, a mixed look of happiness but also distress.

"Here I am trying to be angry at the both of you, and you say cute stuff like that." Sofia pouts. "You're such a softie Jae."

I chuckle and it lessens the heat on my cheeks. "Thanks for killing it for me fia."

"Ngoh cmon Jae." Sofia smiles. "You'll always be a little kid in my eyes, although now that you are kinda dating my Goddaughter I think I should be giving you some rules."

Jae scoffs. "I'm your step son, maybe you should give her rules."

Sofia waves her hand in front of her. "Don't be silly boy, Tessa isn't the one I'm worried about. You on the other hand I have my doubts, I'm watching you Jaeger Silvano Rizal Dallas."

I burst out laughing and Jae looks annoyed watching me double over, I place my hand against my stomach trying to ease the ache but it doesn't do wonders. Sofia looks adorably at me, and mutters her exit not before announcing that she'd be back. Tears start to pool in my eyes, and I try to blink them away but I just can't help but keep laughing.

"What now?" Jae mutters, a crossed look on his face.

I shrug. "Nothing...Jaeger."

Jae groans rubbing a hand down his face, as his head just falls behind the couch. I almost choke on how out of breath I am, and come to a conclusion of balancing my breathing. I tighten my ponytail on my head, before sitting straight to cross one leg over the other.

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