Getting to know you better

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"Yep so my Dad put me into therapy classes and we moved away from Darwin as far we could."

"You actually got expelled for threatening to burn her locker if she didn't stop poking at your chair?" Jae says still laughing about my previous tale.

"If our teacher didn't overhear our conversation, then I would've actually done it so she's kind of lucky. She was so annoying, but her mum was the principle. I saw it coming though, she didn't like me either. I hated that preppy girls school."

Mrs O'Conner the principle, and I had these daily meetings that it almost became a slot on my class schedule. I was always being sent to the office because of my behavior, and If I'm being honest some of them were for the stupidest reasons; like not colouring in between the lines...I'm just kidding, it could've been if I wasn't such a perfectionist. I think when I threatned her daughter it pulled a trigger or maybe it was one of her wrinkle lines.

"Why did you go in the first place?" Jae asks.

"Before we moved here, I use to live in Darwin. My Dad enrolled me in Dakota school for mature girls, to help fill the holes that he couldn't fill as a father." I reply. "That's how I know the Jacob brothers we all lived in Darwin. Now I'm in Perth and so are they."

Jae's laughter slowly dies down at the mention of the Jacob bros, soon he's lying next to me, arms behind his head and looking at the stars. It's pretty ironic that there's a party going on inside, and we're out here playing 20 questions.

"So has it always been you and your Dad? No extended family." Jae says.

"My dad had friends who were like family and they helped a lot with my up bringing. But most of them live back in Venezuela where my dad's siblings and Granmama lives. But i've never met any members of my mums." I reply.

"So your dad, he's Italian but was brought up in a Spanish spoken country."

"Yeah after my Grandfather died, my Dad was about 12. So my Grandmama thought it was a good idea to start fresh, so they moved to Venezuela."

"That makes sense." Jae says.

"Yep" I say poping the 'P'. "What about you Jae? I'm speaking a lot about mine, what's your family like?"

Jae's quiet for a few minutes, making me second guess that maybe his family is a touchy subject.

"Sorry." I apologies. "If you don't want to talk about your family thats fi-"

"No, it's not that." He says before shifting around. "My family consists of me, my Dad and my stepmum."


"My Dad, he's a good guy but if it wasn't for my stepmum. I don't think he would've been in the right sense of mind." He states. I wait patiently, letting him have his time to figure out his words.

"My mum committed suicide when I was 11, she was going through depression after she had me. So after her death my Dad went nuts with the alcohol and almost got himself killed. Then my Stepmum entered the picture and I've never stop being greatful for her existence." He tells me softly.

"I guess we both have mother problems. So what's your stepmum like?"

"Fi? Well she's the best thing that's ever happened in my family, she basically saved us. She brought me up most of my childhood and acted as my mum, even when I was going through my rebellious stage her patients for me never fell short. She kept me and my Dad on our feet, and never gave up on us when things got hard." Jae explains, a small smile forming on his face.

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