Tom and Jerry's parlour

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The past few days, surprisingly didn't make me feel like I wanted to pull the hair out of my skull. Jae, Carter and Noah have kind of grown on me, even though I avoid them as much as I can inside and outside of school they always seem to find me. I even hid in the Girls bathroom for Gods sake and they still had the nerve to march in there like they owned the place. When I took off with their bags at the pools, the next day they thought it would be nice to interupt my Biology class and drag me out to my car, laughing at my shocked face, while I exchanged some colourful words in the process. Yeah it was hilarious.

What isn't growing on me is the attention. Ever since the guys have been making a huge deal about being friends, some girls have approached me asking if I Tessa Romano, who's been at Dickson High since she was 13 was the new transfer. Not bothering to correct them I just nod my head and walk straight past them. Some have given me the evil glare and said some insults, which I try so hard to ignore so I don't go all jungle crazy on them, leading me to do that stupid 'countdown of calm'.

I pack up my belongings on the desk, and place it carefully in my bag. I sling the backpack over my shoulder before giving Mrs. Mc Cloud the librarian, a goodbye wave and walking towards the exit.

As soon as I step foot into the corridor a blindfold is placed over my eyes and someone has my hands pinned behind my back.

What's up with them and Kiddnapping!

"Don't Move!" I hear a familiar voice say behind me.

"You know if I did, you would have been on the ground right now, So take this damn blindfold off before I break your arm and beat you with it." I yell struggling out of the hold.

"Damnnn girl." He replies back.

But he does what he's told and removes the blindfold from my eyes placing it on my neck like a scarf.

"Fuck you Noah!" I say. "You can let go of my hands!"

"Now that's for my safety or maybe I just want to hold your hand." I hear him say behind me, chuckling. "But mostly safety, Miss Karate-chop-your-balls."

"I have legs too, you might wanna think twice about your safety." I hiss under my breath.

"Noah, Just let Tessa go." Jae says bored as he sits on one of the chairs with his arms slung over the base looking towards the ceiling.

"Yeah listen to Mr. Blondy over there." I agree.

"It's Platinum." Jae says getting up from his position and sitting up straight.

"What's Platinum?" I question with my hand still behind my back. Turning my head to the side a bit so I can glare at Noah.

"My hair, It's Platinum!"

"There's a colour such as Platnium?"

"No shit! You would have known, if you payed more attention in school."

"You're right, but unfortunately our school doesn't have a class for learning colours, but you would be top of the class there Jae." I muttered smirking.

"Oh you nearly hurt my heart with that one Romano, nearly teared it to pieces." He argued, sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

"Maybe we could go to the fucking nurses to get it patched up, would that be okay for you princess Jae." I yell back.

"Nurses yeah good idea because clearly you need a reality check!" He groans furiously, I can see his muscles in his shoulder tense and his jaw line tighten as if it were about to break at this very moment.

"You're such an asshole."

"Well that makes two of us."


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