Mi casa su casa

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Noah's mum. Mrs. Rodriguez-Matthews gives my hand a tight friendly squeeze before bringing me in for two kisses on the cheek.

She brings me inside the house, when I'm instantly welcomed by the warm air and the aroma of homemade food cooking on the stove. The hallway is huge, and above it on the ceiling lies a chandelier glistening as you enter.

Mrs. Rodriguez-Matthews turns around and frowns at the front door. I turn my head slightly to see that the boys are just standing outside in the cold staring at me.

"Dense prisa y entren muchachos, se van a enferman. Hurry up and get inside you boys are going to get sick." Mrs. Rodriguez-Matthews hisses.

They all quickly come inside wiping their feet on the welcoming carpet.

"Boys please make my life easier and take Tessa here to the living room" She says resting her hands on her hips. She turns to me giving me a sweet smile. "Tessa I'll be there in the minute, I just have to stir the pot for dinner okay?"

"That's alright but um would you like some help?" I ask nervously.

"No honey, you sit down and relax." She says making her way towards another corridor.

Once she's gone, someone's arm is slings over my shoulder. I look to the side to see Noah smirking at me.

"Yo no sabía habla español? I didn't know you could speak spanish." He says in a deep voice.

"Well now you do" I say pulling his arm off my shoulder and walking towards the door that seems to lead to the living room.

As we all enter the living area, immediately my eyes roam around the room. The house is a god but the living room is very...homely. It looks like my Grandma's living room back where my father had grown up, with the beautiful colours, plastic over the couches and many pictures of family members on the wall and shelves. I smile at the memory back when I use to visit my Grandmothers, where she would give the warmest hugs, always made cocoa for me and her other grandchildre on cold days and would sing songs on special evenings.

"Stop smiling to yourself creep."

Then the memory is shattered into pieces when an annoying voice interupts my thoughts. I look over at Noah, smiling at his own comment.

I make my way over to one of couches and sit down having a rest after all the freaking out I've been doing today.

"So where did you learn to speak spanish?" Carter says intrigued as he sits across from me.

I don't know why but I'm feeling very friendly towards Carter, like I can almost warm up to his attitude. Almost. The others, yeah, not so much!

"Um well my Dad. He grew up in Venezuela but his parents are originally from Italy, so I've been brought up speaking more spanish then Italian." I tell him.

"You a halfie?" Noah says coming out of nowhere and jumping next to Carter nearly kicking him in the face.

"Halfie?" I question.

"Yeah like me, half Mexican and half white."

"I guess? I come from an Italian British heritage. I think. " I reply.

"Just like Jae but he's half Italian and half...What is it again?" Carter asks Noah.

"Philippians" Noah says confidently.

"It's Philippines, dip shit" Jae says walking from behind me and standing next to the couch with folded arms.

"Yeah yeah, I forgot you're filipino" Noah says rolling his eyes.

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