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I dodge the black screens as red lasers travel the walls, the green neon light in the corner of the room shines brightly and I'm attracted to it immediately. I look both ways before seeing the all clear, running to territorial ground with the pack weighing heavily on my back. I run quickly lifting my gun and aiming for the red dot in the middle of the target, my finger wraps around the trigger and the next thing I know, the sound effect coming from my pack lets me know I've hit another target.

I make a quick run back but the red laser passes me and I quickly step back, turning my head to find the enemy smirking their gun raised just above their chest. I take my own gun holding it above me, and going for the blind shot as I duck underneath the window. I hear my laser shoot straight pass him, and I curse when I don't hear the sound effect of success. I pop my head over quickly but then then the laser shoots right pass my cheek making me retreat back to hiding.

I crawl silently to the end of the black screen, hoping that my move wasn't to predictable. The large gap between the two territories is open and I see no one standing to guard. I take off quickly hoping to enter with ease, but when I feel the pack vibrate and the neon colours of my suit and gun shut down, I know I have been hit.

"You just got shot." The automatic voice says. "Hide for 40 seconds to reload."

I scowl. "Son of a bitch."

I hide behind one of the black screens, waiting patiently for my suit to come back to life. Others pass me but I raise my hands to let them know I have been shot, I glance quickly over the screen to see the same person that shot me waiting. I restart, counting back from 30 and wait patiently taking occasional glances over to the intruder. My suit lights up again but I don't dare jump out so that I can catch him by surprise.

I wave my hand pass the screen and like I predicted the laser shoots right at it and I smirk at how gullible he is. I pop out fast, raising my gun to pull the trigger and getting him straight at his chest. He looks down at the pack on his chest and back at me, he falls dramatically to the ground and I roll my eyes. I start to do my victory dance but then my own suit shuts down and I quickly turn on my heel seeing the evil smirk of another enemy.

"Really?!" I lift my hands. "I just managed to get him and now I'm dead."

"You're loss not mine." She says before cowardly running off to join her team. I scowl crouching down against the wall as I wait. After a few seconds my pack lights up again and just before I could join in the game the pack flashes blue and the gun is drained.

"That's the game folks! Please exit the arena through the doors on your left, make sure you secure your gear at the right hooks and check your placing on the large screens before you leave the recharge area. Thank You for playing."

The voice disappears and I groan in frustration, I pull the pack over my head seeing the bright light peak through the doors. I hold the gear and my gun before Janna walks pass shoulder bumping me on the way out.

"You're really good at this Tessa." Janna smiles. "I swore I saw you do a backflip just as we started."

I chuckle. "That was me tripping over my own feet."

We place our packs on the hooks and go out to look at the digital screen. I see my player name at first place for the green team but as I look over at the opposition screen, I see that someone else is also in the lead for the red team. An arm wraps around my shoulder and I look up to see Stefan smiling down happily. I roll my eyes shrug off his arm as he laughs behind me.

"What's wrong?" Stefan asks. "You don't like losing?"

I scoff. "We're both in the lead for first place weirdo, I didn't lose at all."

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