Except for me

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I sit there.

I sit and stare at the wall blankly as my mind wavers from theory to theory. The sound of the shower across the hall is running, confirming that he's still in there and going to be for a while. We removed ourselves from guest ensuite, I told him to hop in the shower of the main bathroom while I clean up the mess. Now I'm here. Sitting on his bed staring at the wall.

"He's my brother"

That was all he said when he was silently crying into my shirt, I was confused as to who he was talking about until my mind wandered back. Everything that happened in between the hours of now and when I left with Stefan are slowly forming into one theory.

It can't be. Nothing makes sense and I have a feeling there's more to the story. I knew Stefan and Jae weren't on good terms, but why all of a sudden now, why would he already hate Stefan but just find out that he could be Jae's brother.

I stare at the wall with the first aid kit sitting next to me, I remove all of the equipment I need before closing it and placing it in one of the drawers, that Jae had fetched it from in his room.

I hear the shower stop for a moment but then run again. That's been happening for the past 15 minutes, I don't know what's happening but I have a feeling it isn't good. I rub at my temples trying to piece it all together but then I start to get a headache from thinking too much.

A few minutes later the shower stops running and never turns back on. I wait patiently, my back against his bed, as I study the ceiling. The distant sound of the bathroom door opening and closing makes my ears perk, then I hear him enter the room in silence.

I still lay there, not moving a muscle, but this time my eyes are closed shut. We don't say anything, he shuffles and I still stare at the blankness behind my eyelids. I hear drawers open and close, the sound of the closet door being shut a few times, and his feet making the floor creek beneath him.

I'm afraid to open my eyes, in case I break the spell. I saw him in his most vulnerable state, and I don't know what will happen now but I'm telling you I'm shit scared. I don't even know why I'm still in his room, but he hasn't told me to leave which is a good sign on my part.

Suddenly I feel the bed dip beside me, and for a while it's just the sound of our breathing surrounding the area as confirmation. A hand lands on my knee and my eyes slam open, his back is faced towards me as Jae stares at the wall I was just analysing a moment ago. I slowly get up, leaning on my arms as they angle behind my back.

His hair is darker and damp from the shower, and he's shirtless the trickles of water from his hair, streaming down his back. The graze on his side being aired before putting material over it. I stand from the bed, walking to the laundry basket that's hauled up in the corner of the room. I grab the towel that he used and I walk back to him. He hasn't turned to look but is completely dazed, his eyes a red and puffy and he looks exhausted. The cuts on his face are not bleeding anymore, but they're still open and soon could get infected.

He doesn't look at me, when I make my way in front of him. His eyes land at my stomach, Jae is completely out of it but I don't complain. He's deep in thought and sometimes that's what's got to happen, you just got to think and say nothing and that's okay. I awkwardly place the towel over his head, messaging his scalp as I try to dry his hair.

"You're going to get sick if you leave your hair like that." I whisper. I swallow hard when he doesn't say anything, it wasn't like I was expecting it but I thought I should say something at least.

I dry his hair, his face covered underneath the towel but slowly his legs open, and he pushes from my thighs to stand between them. I gulp, trying to adjust myself in this new position. I know I shouldn't be getting all hot and bothered at this time, but my heart is racing so fast right now and I'm glad he can't see how red my face is.

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