Suprises all around

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We ride into the sunset, as the band 1975 is being played in the background slightly fading out as the sound of the rubber burning against gravel takes over. I rest my head against the window of Stefan's car, watching all the building and houses pass in streaks of blur lights. I close my eyes slowly feeling the cool glass sooth my burning skin, as my mind wanders to things that I shouldn't be thinking about. Janna's head turns slightly  as she glances at me giving me a small smile then turning back to the front, I catch Stefan's gaze through the rear view mirror as he eyes me with concern before concentrating on the road.

"It's normal Tess." Janna explains, breaking the small silence that filled up the car. Her hair slightly waving as the small draft comes from the halfway down window. I shake my head getting rid of the unwanted thoughts, tracing my finger against the fogged glass.

"Not for someone like me." I whisper to myself. Even though I hate to admit it, I miss them. Don't get me wrong I Love hanging out with Janna and Stefan but during school hours the library is getting a bit to boring for me.

"It's alright to have a crush on someone." Then suddenly the car jolts to a stop, as we all launch forward hard. Stefan's hands tightening on the wheel as he whispers an apology continuing to drive.

"What the hell was that Stefan?" I ask, rubbing my head a little, the jolt being the cause.

"Thought it was a Cat. Just a BK bag on the road." He replies. I don't miss the small scoff Janna does as she shakes her head at her cousin.

"Anyways" Janna continues. "It's normal to have feelings for someone."

Woah woah woah. What is this girl on about? I was just thinking about how I miss my friendship and suddenly she assumes I'm having a crush on one of them.

I let out a small laugh. "Janna, seriously I have no intention of being involved in relationships nor would I have a teenage crush on one of my closest- I mean ex-friends."

"Can you pull into the seven eleven on Robinson Road Stefan." Janna commands. "Tessa, you are so capable of liking someone and I think you do, you're just in denial!"

"Yeah now you sound like Brooklyn." I mutter, rolling my eyes at her accusation.

"This Brooklyn must be very wise." Janna states.

"Nope. She's more like a Grade A pain in my as-"

"Okay ladies we're here." Stefan interrupts, entering then parking up in front of the store. Janna quickly gets out running towards the automatic doors. Stefan leans forward, his head resting on the wheel, his shoulders moving up and down as he breathes heavily.

He sits up slightly, combing his hair with his fingers as he sighs. I pop in between the seats with my head between the head rest. Stefan looks to the side before shaking his head slightly and giving me a small smile.

"You okay?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Yeah." He replies, you know when girls say "I'm fine" when they really aren't well guys shake the heads and say "Yeah."

I unbuckle my seat belt before climbing over the middle compartment, then plopping down onto the passenger seat. Stefan glares furiously at me, as he wipes the shoe stains I had made on his car.

"You're crazy Tessa." He hisses.

" just a little" I joke, as he give me a blank stare. I face away from him leaning back against the seat, watching Janna run around the seven eleven store frantically. Her hands are full, as she goes to the back of the store to grab more. We both sit there in a comfortable silence waiting for Janna, my head slowly finding its way to the side as I study the side of Stefan's face.

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