Do you love her?

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"Boo!" A voice screams from behind me I turn around shocked, my heart beating fast as I stare at the figure in front of me. He laughs holding his stomach, I give him a glare in return slamming my locker door and walking off.

"Don't be like that!" I hear him tease before running up to me and slinging an arm over my shoulder. I shrug it off aggressively as he continues to poke fun, I look away from his playful manner making a sharp turn as he halters in his step.

"Cmon Tessa." Noah pouts, he bumps me lightly and I just ignore him holding my books against my chest. "Ohh the silent treatment yeah?"

"Noah shut up." I roll my eyes. I start to head to the library, passing the crowd of people clumped up against theirs lockers waiting for third period to start. I push the double doors open, as Mrs. McCloud-the librarian- gives me a welcoming smile. With Noah still following behind me like a lost child I make my way to the back of the study hall where the tables are placed, I set my books on the table before taking a seat as Noah does the same across from me.

He leans back in his chair tapping the table with his fingers annoyingly, I start to open my textbook unzipping my bag to retrieve my exercise book for notes. I glance at him lifting an eyebrow as he smirks in return but he stops and pulls out his phone instead.

"Why are you here Noah?" I ask, my head bowed over the textbook scanning the words written. "Because I swear we don't have the same study hall period."

I hear his fingers tapping away at the glass on his screen before he puts it down leaning on his elbows, his face between his palms as he smiles at me sweetly. "I came for you, why else?"

"Yeah? Now stop bullshitting me." I lift my head from the textbook, titling my head to the side as I stare at him disbelief. He lets out a breath of air brushing the stray strands of hair away from his face, he looks away rolling his eyes.

"I'm being serious-"

"He isn't." A voice interrupts as two figures walk towards our table as they grab the empty chairs from the other desks, Carter settles next to me as Jae pulls a seat over sitting at the end of the table.

"We've all got Mrs. Allison for art history and she's putting on a pop quiz based on Kollavitz life. As if I give two shits." Carter continues, he gives me one of his signature smiles before snatching my textbook away from me. I begin to protest but he shushes me and continues to read.

"So you're just going to miss out on class because you don't want to do a pop quiz?" I ask, I snatch the book back from Carter childishly as he puts his hands up surrendering. Noah sits there smiling like a creep as Jae sits there in his seat not bothered to even contribute to this conversation.

"Yep." They all say in unison. I shake my head in disappointment going back to the textbook, none of the information that's in here is helping the topic of subject but what's more annoying is the guys. It's as if they're trying to irritate me on purpose, Noah's busy making a drum beat on the table with his pen, while both Carter and Jae have there phones out.The annoying sound effects from whatever game they're playing is distracting not only me but the others in the study hall.

I try to ignore it but when you're the only one trying to actually get an education it starts to infuriate and question every reason why you shouldn't go to prison. I'm about to break every fricken law if they keep going. I slam the cover of the book down getting their attention away from their distractions, they look at me confused as I reach over the table snatching each and every disturbance out of their hands.

"Noah you're not in a band stop trying to make it out as if you're in the next lead for the film drum line...-and you two!" I point my finger between Jae and Carter. "Please for the love of God, can you play a game that is more exciting then-"

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