Happy 18th Birthday

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My alarm goes off loudly and I pinch the pillow over my ears, it keeps going for another 30 seconds before it finally shuts off. I sigh switching my position beginning to fall back to sleep, my breathing is steady and I feel myself drifting. But then, my 5 minutes of snooze is over and my annoying ringtone returns.

I groan slapping my hand against my bed side table and start feeling around for my phone, but then I remembered last night I thought it would be a good idea to place my phone far across the room so then I would get up. I knew morning me wouldn't have liked it, and I was right.

I peel the blankets off of me and it feels like torture, the cold draft coming from outside my door brushes up my bare legs. The ice hardwood floor beneath me creeks as I attempt to walk straight towards the sound in my room. Like the bright idea I had last night, also consisted with me hiding it somewhere so I'd have to work to turn it off. I know myself so well that as soon as I would have my hands on my phone, I would've just returned to my bed and slept. So working for it would just awaken me and it's working because I'm wide awake now and all that's off my mind is finding the phone and breaking it into pieces.

I finally find the phone hidden somewhere in between one of my many books, I shut it off before it could make another sound and slump against the floor. But then my phone buzzes and I just catch a glimpse of the time. I only have one hour for me to get ready and head to school, and for the first day back from break it's going to take me longer then one measly hour.

I start getting ready, pulling on the clean clothes I have and repacking my bag of books and notes. After putting on my shoes I exit my room and a huge whiff of deliciousness hits me square in the face. I close my door and follow my nose to that heavenly smell that leads to the kitchen. My dad is standing behind the stove with his back to me, his favourite Spanish song is blasting through the speakers.

He hums the words of Por un Segundo while cooking something mouth watering. He's already set up the small dining table all pretty and even managed to make a barista like Latte with our coffee machine. I sit down on the chair and admire the setting, it's set up really nicely which gets me wondering.

I've been home for almost a month now and in the past few weeks all I've had for breakfast was my famous cereal. So obviously this isn't a homecoming celebration breakfast. He turns around, a pot in hand, spotting me sitting at the table and a huge smile crosses his face.

"Feliz Cumpleaños princessa!" Dad shouts over the music. "Happy 18th Birthday my beautiful daughter."

Ohhh yes. It's my birthday.

I smile at him and he quickly brings over a tray what looks like filled pita bread, but once it's set on the table I squeal excitedly and run over to my dad's side and hug him tightly. He chuckles patting my back softly. "THANK YOU!!!"

"You're welcome." He says and kisses the top of my head. "Cmon now Tessa, you need to eat school will be starting soon."

I hop off my dad's lap and sprint to my chair, I look down at my favourite food and I smell the spices on the tender pork. I pick the Arepa with lots of cheese and chuck it on my plate, there's also fried eggs and rice which I pile generously. I take a huge bite into my Arepa and the juices are spilling down my hand, along with the beans and onions.

"This is so good Dad!" I tell him still munching on my first bite. "You should've became a chef."

He laughs picking up his own Arepa and munching through his fast. "Shit. I really should have become a chef."

"Woah there humble guy." I take a sip of my coffee. "Language dad, you hate it when I curse."

"It's because you curse in every second sentence you say." He states. I don't say anything because he sure is right but the thing is I try not to curse in front of him, but I guess he does know I have a potty mouth.

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