Birthday Boy

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"Isa honey are you alright?"

The voice on the other side of the door startles me as I tear my gaze away from the mirror. I quickly walk over to the door, pulling it open to see Sofia's fist midway through knocking. Her arm returns back to her side, and she scans my outfit appreciatively.

"You look beautiful Isa." She smiles. I thank her, and reply with a compliment which she tries to brush of easily.

"Listen." Sofia states. "Marco and I will leave first, but you and Jae will be attending the birthday together whenever you're ready."

I nod. "Sounds good."

"Alright honey." She leans over and gives me a goodbye kiss on my cheek. "I'll see you both there, try not to kill each other okay?"

I chuckle. She says another goodbye before disappearing down the staircase as I close my bedroom door behind me. I return back to the length size mirror twirling around in my dress, giving myself one more glance over. I scan the dark navy lace that crosses over my shoulder, the dress hugging every curve generously before stopping right above my shins. My lace up heels giving me more height to my short stance, while I match the colour with the dark grey purse.

I smile appreciatively at what I managed to put together, knowing that dressing up formal isn't so much my forte. I braided the sides of my hair before twisting it into a bun and only applying minimal makeup to my features because that's all I know how to do.

My phone dings on the dresser and I walk over carefully to retrieve it.

Cmon Tessa, you're killing me.

I roll my eyes and quickly text back with not a breath to spare.

Shut up. It took me at least half an hour to search up how to apply foundation on my thanks to you.

I start to gather my things, taking one last glance and building some confidence in myself to walk out of my room. My phone vibrates in my hand and I smile at the screen.

You weren't complaining when it happened baby. Now get you ass down here, I'm fucking starve.

I don't bother with a response as I close my door, making my way quietly down the hallway. As I take a step on the staircase, Jae's back is facing me at the bottom. Wearing a crisp white shirt and dark black pants. He's holding his suit jacket in his arms, as he looks down at his phone probably waiting for my response.

Before I even made it to the end, the sound of my entrance gets him to tear away from his phone, whipping around in my direction. The annoyed look that welcomed me was now replaced with a now speechless expression. I raise an eyebrow and cock my head to the side, as his eyes analyse every detail of my outfit.

He gaze rises back to me, a smirk already teasing his lips. "What happened to the headscarf?"

I throw him a dry look. "Wow you're such a hopeless romantic."

I attempt to make my way down the last step before he wraps his arms around my waist, pushing my body into his as he swings me around. "Romano, you take my breath away. You look amazing Tessa, I don't know how I got so lucky."

I grin widely from ear to ear, as I look down at him. Placing a quick kiss to his forehead, his eyes close briefly from the contact. "You don't look too bad yourself. I like the hair, makes you look like a double agent."

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