A tornado flew around my room.

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So just a small authors note, when you see like a # bold hashtag, that's when you have either the choice to play the youtube clip in the media bar. It's honestly up to you if you want to play it in a particular part of the book, because some people get distracted but I do recommended playing the clip when you see the # hashtag.

Cool? Awesome. Continue...


Hey there Jae.

I just stand there toe to toe with him, staring at each other for what feels like a million years. Sofia's stepson is Jae. Jae fricken Dallas!!! The same Jae who has the biggest bipolar issue's when it comes to me, the same Jae who looks interested in actually having a conversation with me then doesn't. The same Jae... as much as I say his name I can't wrap the idea of Jae being Sofia's stepson and the living proof is standing right in front of me.

"What? You know Isa?" Sofia says as she breaks from Marco, and making her way in between Jae and I.

"Fi!" Jae says. Fi? Who in the world is Fi- Oh wait, Fi. As in So-FI-a. "Isa? I think you're getting confused."

"No, Jae this is Isa. This is the Isa I always talked about but you said that you didn't know a-" She explains but then stops mid way, as she remembers. "I'm so silly."

She lets out a little hysterical laugh as she looks at Jae's confused face, he Raines one of his eyebrows in question as he looks from me to Sofia.

"Sorry... It's just...I've been calling you Isa for so long, sometimes I forget your real name is Tessa." She says, face palming herself lightly.

I let out a small laugh. I've missed Sofia so much. "Well I guess you two are fimiliar with each other?"

"Uh yeah, kind of." I reply, making Sofia's smile spring into action.

"Ah well, are you two classmates? Or are you two friends-" Marco starts to say.

"More like acquaintances." Jae replies, the same time I say friends.

Wow...Jae I didn't know we were work buddies.

I quickly avert my eyes to the ground, feeling the tips of my ears turn bright red. I can sense Jae's gaze as he scans my expression towards his comment, which I'm chosing to ignore. I knew this would happen, when he would go back to ignoring me and act like we weren't even friends. Well I expected it to happen, but not like this. Just a small thread of hope was hanging there, I thought that we were finally getting somewhere instead of having to throw insults at each other every 5 minutes. But hey shit happens, you can't expect people to change, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?

Okay what he said slightly killed me but I'm Tessa Fucking- Oh gosh now I sound like Noah. I'm Tessa Romano, and perks of being invisible was that you learn to mask your emotions.

"Well at least tonight is your chance for both of youse to get to know each other better." Sofia states excitedly. She quickly gives Jae a hug, while giving me the same comfort before she notices her brother standing a distance not far from us.

"Gio! Giovanni." She calls out, her hands waving frantically in the air.

This is why I love Sofia, she doesn't care what people think.

I look towards where Sofia is directing to. I watch Gio's attention getting pulled towards his sister as he smiles at her childness. He walks over excusing himself from his guests, I see them glimmer in his smile as his eyes abruptly land on me. He first heads to Sofia and Marco whispering something in her ear as she agrees, she walks with Marco in hand to welcome the just arrived guests, saying a quick goodbye.

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